The Beagle is a free on-line service offering news and events within the Eurobodalla shire area. ABOUT -ADVERTISING- CONTACT
Mob. 0405100257 The Beagle Weekly is owned by SOUTH COAST BEAGLE PTY. LTD. ACN 616 613 337 ABN 57 616 613 337 PO Box 3029 Tuross Head, NSW 2537
Unless stated - Copyright © South Coast Beagle Pty Ltd. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of Beagle media's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
All advertising requests, copy and inquiries to or phone 0405100257
MEDIA KIT - Your Business Listing in The Beagle DOWNLOAD HERE
The first thing you notice about advertising in The Beagle is that it does not have cookies. It does not allow
third parties to micro-target Beagle readers through programmatic advertising. Instead The Beagle is a
news media website without all the detritus of embedded ads that search your history.
The Beagle celebrates, promotes and supports local business and respects its readers.
Advertising on The Beagle is via an advertisement placement on either the top or the side of the page or;
via a Lightbox 'pop-up' that appears at a set time after a reader has opened a page ; when these options are available. Note that these options are often pre-booked..
Fees for advertising on the Premium and Featured Web pages of The Beagle site:
(all website ads include the opportunity to hyperlink to a nominated landing page at no additional cost)
BANNER (PREMIUM 1A): $66 per week (incl GST) Landscape BANNER to the top of ALL THE NEWS ......
PLUS your advert in the Friday Beagle Weekender
Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement = typically 750 x 350px or by agreement
Note this enables link direct back to a nominated website. Placement of BANNER appears on mobiles and tablets.
PREMIUM 1B: $66 per week (incl GST) Placement of Portrait or Square (250 x 250 or 250 x 400px) on the ALL THE NEWS page PLUS your advert in the Friday Beagle Weekender - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement
Note this enables link direct back to a nominated website. Placement will NOT appear on mobiles and some tablets.
MAIN page:
PREMIUM 2A: ​ $66 per week (incl GST) Landscape BANNER to the top of MAIN PAGE ...... PLUS your advert in the Friday Beagle Weekender - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement = typically 750 x 350px or by agreement. Note this enables link direct back to a nominated website. Placement appears on mobiles and some tablets. .
PREMIUM 2B: $66 per week (incl GST) Placement of Portrait or Square (250 x 250 or 250 x 400px) on the MAIN page PLUS your advert in the Friday Beagle Weekender - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement - Note this enables link direct back to a nominated website. Placement will NOT appear on mobiles and tablets.
PREMIUM 3: The READ MORE Full article page: as a 250 x 400px side advert or as an header or footer banner $66 per week (incl GST) - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement. Placement will NOT appear on mobiles and tablets.
PREMIUM 4: ​$66 per week (incl GST) - Landscape BANNER to the top of the BATEMANS BAY, MORUYA AND NAROOMA pages ...... PLUS your advert in the Friday Beagle Weekender - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement = typically 750 x 350px. Placement will appear on mobiles and tablets
PREMIUM 4B: Placement of Portrait or Square (250 x 250 or 250 x 400px) on the BATEMANS BAY, MORUYA AND NAROOMA pages as a POP UP - PLUS your advert in the Friday edition of Beagle Weekender : $27.50 per week (incl GST) - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement - Note this includes link direct back to a nominated website. Placement will NOT appear on mobiles and tablets.
Other pop-ups are on available pages throughout the website (enquire for more information) - Banner 750 x 350 px at $66 incl GST or a 250 x 400px side advert - $27.50 per week (incl GST) - Minimum 4 weeks.
These advertisements are also available on pages where the reader is specifically looking for information via the Main Menu on their town or a news activity they follow such as Tuross Head, Broulee, Sports, Food, Music.
NOTE: These pop-ups will NOT appear on mobiles and some tablets.
WEEKENDER ONLY 6: Full page in the Beagle Weekender - $66 per week (incl GST) - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement
WEEKENDER ONLY 7: Half page in the Beagle Weekender - $33 per week (incl GST) - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement
WEEKENDER ONLY 8: Quarter page in the Beagle Weekender - $27.50 per week (incl GST) - Minimum 4 weeks unless by agreement
POINTED Ads that appear on the Beagle website are also placed at the discretion of the editor (unless agreed otherwise) in the weekly Beagle Weekender publication. While every effort is made to include your ad in that publication it is a freebie and therefore solely at the discretion of the editor to provide that bonus marketing opportunity.
If you wish to advertise please email us. Advertisement published on receipt of fee unless agreed options.
NOTE: Your ad is listed on the website and also for free in the Beagle Weekender as part of your listing fee.
NOTE that all web page ads can link directly to a website or document of your choosing to ensure readers arrive exactly where you want them... on your website and more informed.
Total digital readership​
If you are serious about advertising then contact us for more information on readership. Given that it is Commercial in Confidence it will be at our discretion to provide you with our analytics.
Advertising on the Beagle can be measured by Page Views and by Click-throughs where all of our adverts link directly to YOUR website so you can measure the traffic and referrals. The more interesting your ad - the better response.
Placing a Trade or Business listing in the Beagle Trades Directory depends on availability of a space in each category.
Art work:
Trades and Business listing:
85mm x 55mm or 325px x 210px
Web Page ads:
250px x 400px or 750 x 350px
Please provide your artwork in a .png format or .pdf so that best resolution can be gained for your ad.
If you are time-poor gives us a call to discuss us doing your artwork.
Real estate advertising in beagle abode is as simple as it gets.
The fees are set to being affordable at $27.50 incl GST per week per agency.
Half A4 page real estate related advertisements or smaller are by arrangement - $27.50 incl GST per week
Publication is each Friday - distributed via the Beagle website, Beagle Facebook page and Beagle Weekender subscriber mailout
Art work is to provided by Thursday at 4pm unless otherwise arranged. Phone 0405100257 for specifications.
Art work to be sent to