Unfortunately, Lei is not able to be the Beagle any more due to ill health.
The Beagle will be available to view AS IS until 2nd April 2025 so all the articles can be accessed.
Lei would like to thank all the contributors and the community for all the stories, the advertisers and donations for keeping the Beagle afloat and, of course, the readers.
Vale the Beagle. until next ... lei
Beagle Weekender of Sept 8th 2023 OUT NOW
Beagle Weekender of Sept 1st 2023 OUT NOW
beagle abode August 31st 2023 OUT NOW
ALL OF THE NEWS from around the region on One Page below for your convenience
THFC news - Dec
Tuross dunnies get a lick of paint by volunteers
Tuross Santa Run - Dec 24th
Tuross Beach cleanup planned
A Tuross highway roundabout ? Really?
Sue Hutcheson Tuross calendars out now
Working bee call for volunteers to paint Tuross dunny blocks
New Gravel access to Coila Lake
It's time for a new Tuross boatramp
Are Tuross beach toilets "crap"?
Notes of the Andrew Constance community meeting in Tuross - Nov 21st
What will Council do this year when dredging at the Tuross Boat ramp?
Coila Lake prawns - an update
When will the last section of the Coila Foreshore shared pathway be completed?
Should the highway speed limit be reduced to 80kph at the Tuross intersection?
Copies of History signs now on display
New Kyla Oval sailing shed plans
Would you like to join the Tuross Head Progress Assoc
Chisel Barnes tribute show - Tuross Nov 19th
Tuross Head Progress Assoc. minutes Nov 2016
THPA to meet Andrew Constance - Mon 21st Nov
A Tuross Marine Rescue Perspective
Supermoon over One Tree
Shirewide rabbit control planned