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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Review of Bay Pavilions Operations

The Beagle Editor, Your readers might find the following letter I have sent to the Eurobodalla Mayor, Matt Hatcher, of interest: Dear Mayor Hatcher,

Review of Bay Pavilions Operations

I note from the minutes of the Council Meeting on 28 March 2023 that you commendably said in your Minute, in relation to the Review of the Bay Pavilions Operations, that “given the importance of this matter I wish to make it clear to the community that the results of the review will be reported back to Council. In this way the review is transparent for councillors and the community, and the results of the review will be in the public domain.”

While I have no reservations about the current General Manager’s integrity or his ability to conduct such a review, it will be inevitable that some if not most of the requisite investigations leading up to the establishment of the Bay Pavilions and its operations will involve past and present staff some of whom report directly to the General Manager as well as past and some present Councillors.

It would therefore, in the interests of transparency and good governance, be preferable for the detailed review to be conducted by a person/s or body more at arms’ length from the detailed subject matter and the complications of personnel relations.

Such a body would be Council’s own Audit Risk and Improvement Committee whose membership includes three eminently qualified external members and two Councillors who were not in office when decisions leading to the establishment of the Bay Pavilions. ARIC’s terms of reference allow for such an involvement.

If the review has proceeded to any significant extent, it may still be feasible to “hand it over” or at least require the GM’s draft findings to be the basis of further investigation by ARIC.

I trust you will give this matter serious consideration.

Jeff de Jager

Follows: Extract from ARIC Terms of Reference



The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (the Committee) is advisory to Council and the General Manager and has no executive powers unless such powers are delegated to it by the Council.

The Committee is directly responsible and accountable to the Council for the exercise of its powers and responsibilities.

The Council authorises the Committee, within the scope of its role and responsibilities to:

· Require any information it needs from any employee or external party (subject to legal obligations to protect information)

· Discuss any matters with the external auditor or other external parties (subject to confidentiality considerations)

· Request the attendance of any employee or councillor at Committee meetings

· Obtain external legal or other professional advice considered necessary to meet its responsibilities.

Objectives (in accordance with the Community Strategic Plan):

The objective of the Committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance to the Eurobodalla Shire Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities.

As per the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Bill 2016 (NSW) Schedule 1 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30, Part 4A Internal audit;

The Committee must keep under review the following aspects of the Council’s operations:

a. Compliance

b. Risk management

c. Fraud control

d. Financial management

e. Governance

f. Implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies

g. Service reviews

h. Collection of performance measurement data by the council

i. Any other matters prescribed by the regulations.

The Committee is also to provide information to the Council for the purpose of improving the Council’s performance of its functions.


The Beagle
The Beagle
Apr 19, 2023

Discussion over. Everyone had a go. The next place is via presentations in the chamber on receipt of the review. Lei


Unknown member
Apr 19, 2023

While ARIC sounds a good idea, where was ARIC 12,24, and 36 months ago. Should they have been more Beagle like in demanding data so they could do their job? If vital stuff can be hidden on C in C grounds it appears we residents should not have too much faith in this watchdog. That is certainly the case so far . Perhaps what was C in C is no longer C in C and another ARIC investigation will give a different result . Perhaps the Sydney Office of Local Gov. needs to set up a new watchdog with longer sharper fangs. Clearly the ESC residents have been let down.

Unknown member
Apr 19, 2023
Replying to

Question is why were the ARIC asleep at the wheel for the last two years?


Unknown member
Apr 18, 2023

The old swimming pool in Batemans Bay had problems for some years, it needed replacing.

It's been replaced at some significant cost to the shire's ratepayers and taxpayers and with loads of public controversy. Is anyone in the council system caring though. ?


Unknown member
Apr 18, 2023

Well said Jeff , most internal reviews fail or only get to half the truth for the reasons you give. External consultants records are no better, with an eye on the next job they quickly establish what it is their client is looking for , and provide such. Your suggestion sounds good to me, perhaps someone in the community might have another idea. Some resources might be needed but this would be small compared with $4m multiplied by 50 years. We really do need the failed processes put out there, out to all in the community, to become a textbook lesson for all councils into the future.

Unknown member
Apr 18, 2023
Replying to

The problem is a big deal impacting on all of us in the shire. Other planned works including maintenance programs delayed or pushed back compounding the financial problems caused by the deficit operations of the pavilion fiasco.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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