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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

The 'Max Castle Jetty' at Tuross Head is ready for action

Max Castle, a long time advocate for improved fishing facilities in the Eurobodalla, sees his name unofficially added to the new pontoon at Tuross Head that is now ready for service. The jetty has been one of the many projects that Max has lobbied for over the past decade as he has hounded Eurobodalla Council to recognise the tourism value of providing quality marine facilities to the region. For over a decade Council has sat on its hands, reluctant to apply for funding made available via better Boating and fishing licences which has seen the grant monies go elsewhere to areas such as Bega to enhance their visitor facilities. In absolute frustration Max was able to secure a pledge from Liberal candidate Warren Mundine in the 2019 election for the funding required for the Tuross Head pontoon and jetty improvements. In addition to the continued efforts around recreational fishing facility improvements Max has been instrumental in overseeing the provision of the many Angel Rings that are now found across the region. After years of fist thumping of tables and highlighting that Eurobodalla was missing out due on projects that would have come at little to no cost for local fishers paid for from their own fishing licences the tide is turning as the new term of council recognises the importance of Max's advocacy and his proactive pursuit of State and Federal funding to bring the shire on a par with the quality of infrastructure offered up and down the east coast. Max said of the pontoon completion "As most in Tuross know this has been a project that I was determined to deliver for the community even though council would not support seeking a grant to fund the project. After 5 years the project has been delivered for future Tuross residents and visitors, long after the river being declared a recreational fishing haven because of the vision of previous community members some 22 years ago.

"To all the community I hope you now have easier assess to your boats, particular those with restricted access, I hope we have included the community who have disability issues and I hope an example has been provided to fight to improve our village, irrespective of how long it takes, enjoy. Thank you to the Tuross Head Progress Association and the community for your support!"

Photo: Marine Rescue Tuross - Although steel railings and a solar light still need to be installed, the public should be able to access the new jetty for the June long weekend.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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