Mr. C. Stubbs, jnr., of Dwyer’s Creek, who evidently has a penchant for the golden gleam, not only does he delve for the earth’s precious metal, but he has the busy bee gathering a golden harvest. During the past season 100 swarms of these active workers gave their owner 4 ½ tons of honey. No go-slow methods about Mr. Stubbs’ employees.
On returning to his home, “Nettlewood,” Narooma, after his recent visit to Sydney Mr. Wilcocks saw a large wombat on his lawn. It was about the size of a half-grown pig and very fat. The marsupial was feeding a few feet from the house, and when Mr. Wilcocks, jnr. placed a lighted lamp on the ground it came quite close to it. The wombat, which is the only one ever seen in the district, was eventually shot.
Housewives will no wonder why they have to pay such a high price for their Sunday dinner of mutton, when they know that six sheep landed here from Sydney to the order of Donnelly Brothers cost our Campbell Street butchers £17.
It is said that the flower garden at Mr. H. J. Bate’s residence, “Mountainview,” Tilba Tilba, presents a magnificent sight just now. The garden, which is one of the beauty spots of the Far South Coast, is kept in a perpetual state of floral beauty through a continuous supply of water from Mt. Dromedary constructed on a scheme of Mr. Bate’s own engineering. It is estimated that during the past 12 months 10,000 blooms have been gathered and distributed through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Bate to hospitals and charitable functions in the various centres.

Can our pockets stand the strain - or rather the drain? Following are the coming events: Wood-chopping contest at Bateman’s Bay to-day (Saturday) with a dance at night; Bateman’s Bay Hospital Ball and Narooma R.C. Bazaar latter part of Aug.; A. and P. Society’s Ploughing Match with euchre party and dance at night, 5th Sept.; Odd-fellows’ euchre party and dance 11th Sept.; Hospital Ball 25th Sept.; C.E. Bazaar Mask and Domino dance 2nd Oct., as well as other euchre parties and gift afternoons sandwiched in.
A nonagenarian, in the person of Mrs. Jane Thomas, died at the residence of her son, Mr. Rowe, Silver Mine, Moruya, on Wednesday morning. Deceased, who was a native of England, could truly be classed as a military lady, she having been born and reared in a barracks. Her father fought in the Siege of Sebastion and her husband in the Crimean War. … The funeral took place on Thursday, the remains being interred in the C.E. portion of the Moruya Cemetery.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.