MR. Richard (“Dick”) Whittaker, of Gundary, Moruya, N.S.W., has been appointed a Magistrate of the Territory.
LAST week the s.s. Eden took on board at Bermagui 147 pigs – a record shipment for the last two years.
MORUYA has gone gay – sports, balls, euchre parties, skating carnivals, jazz parties, tennis tournaments and golfing.
COMMENCING from 1st January next, a fee of two guineas per quarter (payable in advance) will be charged to pupils attending High School.
BODALLA flats have suffered very considerably by reason of the recent heavy rains and the overflow of the Tuross River. … Scores of acres of the rich flats were still under water, and many more from which the water had receded were covered with a brown silt. Asked if the drains opened by the Estate Managers Messrs. Evans and Grierson had filled up and contributed to the inundation, Mr. P. Lennard, who was reared on the Estate and who usually takes an intelligent grip of such subjects, expressed the opinion that even had the drains only been opened up, that would not have prevented the flooded state of the flats.
The cause was, said Mr. Lennard, that year after year the Tuross River had been filling up owing to the growth of trees and the accumulation of debris, including sand, brought down by every little freshet, until now the old course of the River has become so blocked that an unusual rush of water cannot escape and is forced over the banks.

THE ladies’ meeting convened for the purposes of making arrangements for the Annual Hospital Ball was held on Wednesday afternoon, there being a record attendance. … The President (Mr. Flood) said that he had been connected with the Hospital for 14 years and never before had he had the pleasure of presiding over such a large meeting.
It was decided to hold a plain and fancy dress ball at the Amusu Theatre on Tuesday 17th October. Those authorised to collect refreshments and monetary donations were: Mesdames Quilter and Keating, lower town; Mesdames Sanders and E. Hawdon, upper town; Mrs. Flood and Matron Constable, Gundary; Miss Luck, Yarragee and Kiora; Miss P. Collett, Mungerarie; Mrs. Carter, Dwyer’s Creek; Mesdames Anderson and Carter, Mantle and Summer Hills; Mrs. Milne, Mullenderree; Mrs. Preddy, Mynora and the Heads; Miss Bown, Bergalia; Miss Flynn, Deua River. …
DRIVEN by Mr. Bertie Chewying in his Overland car, a party visited Broulee Island on Thursday and all speak in glowing terms of the beauty of this coming tourist resort and of the hospitality shown them by Messrs. Kosenen and Norman.