Through the enthusiasm and energy of its Secretary, Mr. C. Carter, the Moruya Tennis Club is the most flourishing sporting institution in the district. Its membership numbers over 40, which included 33 players, necessitating the laying down of a third court.
By last week’s steamer a Keystone boring machine was landed on the Moruya wharf. Being the first of its kind in this district, it was therefore an object of curiosity. The instrument, which can be locoed (?), was taken to Deua River on Thursday by Mr. J. Gibbons’ team of horses, and will be used in exploring for minerals in that locality.
The annual meeting of subscribers of the Mechanics’ Institute took place in the Billiard Room on Thursday. … The following office bearers were elected for the ensuring year: President, Mr. R. L. Dawson; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. W. Jermyn, and O. J. Armstrong; Treasurer, Mr. W. Jermyn; Secretary, Mr. C. Carter; Assistant Secretary, Mr. L. Bartholomew; Auditors, Messrs. L. W. Jones and P. Mills. Several matters were referred to the incoming committee to deal with.
Mr. S. Turnbull took over the management of the Palace Hotel, Central Tilba, on Friday last. Mrs Turnbull, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. R. Milne, who will remain at the hotel for a while, went out on Saturday.
Mr. J. Turnbull, late licensee of the Central Tilba Hotel, intends going into a like business in the city. Mr. Turnbull, who is a returned soldier, is no relation of the host of the same name of the criterion Hotel, Mullenderee.
Just before going to Press we heard that Miss Annie, sister of Mr. Randolf George, formerly of Bendithera, had died on the previous evening. Deceased underwent an operation in Dr. Birmingham’s hospital at Narooma on Wednesday. The funeral will leave the Sacred Heart Church, Moruya, this (Saturday) afternoon.
Inquest at Mogo. By the appended evidence it will be seen that an old-age pensioner, named Mr. Patrick Clavin, met with a sad ending at Mogo on Monday night, or early Tuesday morning. Deceased, who was 60 years of age, had been a well-known figure about Mogo for a long time, having worked on the Bimbimbie gold fields during its balmy days. Nine years ago he underwent a serious operation, since when he received a pension and occupied his time in gardening. …
After hearing the evidence at Mogo on Tuesday, the District Coroner [Mr. R. J. Anderson, J.P.] found that the said Patrick Clavin on the 21st July, 1923, was found dead in his hut from the effects of burns accidently received owing to his clothing catching fire whilst smoking a pipe.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.
Note: one word in the newspaper text which couldn't be identified it has a (?) after it