Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 12 July 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
RECEIVING CONSIDERATION. – When Mr. Austin Chapman asked the minister for Home and Territories the other day re the survey of the railway from Yass-Canberra to Jervis Bay, the minister gave the present day minister’s reply that “the matter was receiving consideration.”
OUR ROADS. – It is a pleasure to drive on the Eurobodalla Shire Council’s roads, especially after coming off those of the Clyde Shire, is the verdict of motor drivers who have travelled on both. Certainly the road to Bateman’s Bay, under management of that good and industrious road man, Mr. Burke, is as usual in good order, and so is that on to Benandrah, the writer having had a good opportunity of testing it last week.
PRESBYTERIAN. – At the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, owing to influenza restrictions, Divine Worship was conducted under the canopy of Heaven, with a glorious sun shining, and it was found much warmer and more pleasant than within the church building. Willing hands carried out sufficient seats; also the organ. The precenter’s box, which has not been used now for many years, made an excellent pulpit.
OBITUARY. – We are sorry to report the death of another of our fine Australian women in the person of Mrs. Mary Egan, wife of Mr. D. Egan, which occurred at her residence “Gundillion,” Krawarree, on Sunday las at the age of 60 years, the cause of death being influenza. The late Mrs. Egan was a native of the Braidwood district and the eldest daughter of Mr. M. Gallagher, of Krawarree. She leaves a husband, one brother, Mr. P. Gallagher, and two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Lynch (Narooma), and Mrs. M. Lynch (Mogo).
Mr. H. L. Mater (Braidwood) is stricken down with the prevailing epidemic.
A London doctor claims great success in treating influenza cases. In an unbroken series of 2300 cases all ended in complete recovery, with no complications and no deaths. The treatment was twenty-grain doses of salicin in cachets every hour for the first twelve hours after the onset of the attack, then every two hours for the next twelve.
The Rev. R. R. Macartney Noake M. A. (late of Moruya) eldest son of the Rev. R. Noake B. A., Rector of Campsie, was in St Nicholas’ Church, Goulburn, on June 28 married to Miss Ethel Wild, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mileham Wild of “Elmwood,” Goulburn.
On Saturday a report came to town that Mrs. M. Honan and family of six young children were down with the ‘flu, and Mrs. Greig and Miss. K. Jermyn were at once driven out by Mr. Dawson. On arrival it was found that the mother was suffering only from a slight cold.
Mrs. M. Rose did splendid service at the Heads, nursing ten of our sons and daughters of the soil through an attack, as well as cooking for them. Mr. and Mrs. Preddy also assisted with the food supply.
At Braidwood on Saturday morning Mr. S. G. Styles, of “The Ranch,” passed out, and at the time the burial was taking place his father, Mr. G. C. Styles also passed away with the same dreaded disease. The younger man had only been married about four years and leaves one son aged three and a heart-broken wife in a delicate state.
The deadly ‘flu with all its sad surroundings occasionally produces some funny incidents. The other day a V.A.D. attending a family laid low with the ‘flu called to the yardman to kill a fowl for soup. When going out some minutes later to collect the young cockerel, the lady was horrified to find the yardman sawing its head off. After the V.A.D. had given the lad some admonition on the unnecessary pain he was inflicting on the innocent chook by his method of decapitation, the young executioner looked up and innocently replied “Well, Miss, it never said anything.”
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (