Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 19 July 1919, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
STRONG WESTERLIES. – The late westerly winds, although not of the usual duration, were very severe while they lasted. As an illustration of the force which they passed over Moruya, one has only to see the telegraph iron posts along the river span, which, notwithstanding extra stout wire stays, have a most decided Grecian bend, as if making their obeisance to the Bateman’s Bay crew coming up the river with our tea and sugar.
WHITE FROST. – On top of the big frost on Monday morning, we were visited by a champion on Thursday morning. The driver of the Milton-Moruya mail car informs us that Thursday’s frost was the heaviest he has seen this year, as it found its way from the flats right up into the high township of Milton. May it freeze out the ‘flu.
STILL RETURNING. – Almost every week Moruya is visited by newly returned boys from the front, either natives of the district or lads with relatives and friends residing in it. Last week two fine strapping young soldiers, one the son of Captain Basclain, who carries the mark of his fall from an aeroplane in the shape of a broken nose, and the other one of Mr. Con. Dwyer’s five sons who were at the front. Both lads look ideal soldiers.
WEDDING. – The marriage of Miss Dorothy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Clulee, of “The Brae,” Moruya, and Mr. Bertie Stephenson of Crookwell, too place in St. John’s Church on Wednesday morning last, the Rev. G. A. Sanders officiating. After the ceremony the bridal party adjourned to the Hotel Adelaide where the breakfast was partaken of. The bridegroom served four years with the A.I.F. The happy couple left per special motor for Sydney and the Blue Mountains.
It has been officially announced that the total deaths from influenza throughout the State from 1st January to 10th July is 4266.
Two days after a big ball at Glen Innes 120 cases of ‘flu were reported. At Emmaville, after a concert 1000 cases developed, and within a week there were 3000.
A very sad fatality occurred at Nelligen last week, when Miss Dayball died from pneumonic influenza. She had been nursing her brother, a returned soldier, by the way, who died from it.
AN AFFLICTED FAMILY. – Last week we had the unpleasant duty to record the deaths of the Messrs. Stoyles, father and son, which occurred at Braidwood from influenza. This week we are called upon to add to the painful duty by recording the death of Mrs. Stoyles, wife of the younger Mr. Stoyles, deceased, and only daughter of Mr. T. C. Musgrave, of the “Dispatch” and “Review” newspapers, which sad event took place at the residence of her late husband, “The Ranch,” Braidwood. The fell destroyer, not content with cutting down father, son and wife, did not stay his hand until he carried off the nurse who attended the family, Miss Kate Burke, leaving only one of the household, a son, three years old, to tell the tale in after life.
DEATH. – Amongst the many deaths which have taken place recently from the epidemic of influenza, we are now chronicling that of Mr. A. Innes, husband of a daughter of Mr. Templeman, of Nelligen. The late Mr. Innes will be remembered as a popular bookmaker at Moruya and Braidwood annual races. His wife is left with five young children.
TILBA HOSPITAL. – The residents of Tilba must certainly feel grateful to Councillor H. J. Bate for his timely offer to them of his highly suitable residence as a hospital. No sooner had the generous offer been made, accepted, and everything in readiness, than the dreaded influenza epidemic swept over the district with such speed that in less than two weeks no less than 19 patients were comfortably housed in the building.
Twenty 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1918 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (