WHEN on his way to the Tuffwood Sawmill on Tuesday with his timber wagon, Mr. Harry Wilson miraculously escaped accident. While he was adjusting something the team of horses moved off, Mr. Wilson being thrown to the ground. The wheels of the jinker, which was laden with an immense log, passed over Mr. Wilson’s legs, but through the place where the accident occurred being a soft sandy one, the victim fortunately escaping with only flesh wounds.
ON 4th instant there died at his residence Stanmore, in his 81st year, Mr. Michael Morris, an old identity of Moruya. The late Mr. Morris for many years conducted a successful general store in Vulcan Street, and on retirement from business a few years ago, disposed of all his property here and went to reside in Sydney. On Moruya being converted to a Municipality, Mr. Morris topped the poll at the election of aldermen, but, on being proposed refused the mayoral chair. Deceased leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters, the Rev. J. H. Morris, of Hurstville being one of the sons and Sister Mary Veronica, of Wollongong Convent and Mrs. Michael Corrigan, of Sydney, daughters. … Mr. James Morris and Miss Mary Morris, of Mullenderree, are brother and sister respectively of the deceased.
EUROBODALLA SHIRE. TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS. … Nominations received for this Shire, as follows:- Riding A. ALFRED HERBERT ANNETTS, Storekeeper, Bateman’s Bay; Riding B. HENRY JOSEPH MALLON, Grazier, Merricumbene; Riding C. THOMAS FLOOD, Farmer, River street, Moruya; Riding D. ROBERT JOHNSTON ANDERSON, Farmer, Inglewood, Moruya; Riding E. HENRY JOHN BATE, Farmer, Mountain View, Tilba Tilba, & FREDERICK ERNEST GRENENGER, Storekeeper, Central Tilba; Riding F. SAMUEL WILLIAM BATE, Grazier, Central Tilba, & ALEXANDER GORDON SUTHERLAND, Farmer, Yourie.
Mr. George W. Mitchell was also nominated, but his Nomination Paper was “Informal,” and therefore cannot be received.
There being One Nomination for Riding’s A., B., C. and D. [those listed] are duly elected Councillor’s for the ensuing Triennial Period.
The Election for E. and F. Ridings will be decided by Ballot. The Voting will be by post. The Election will be held on SATURDAY, the 2nd day of December next.
The Ballot Papers with relative declaration forms will be forwarded to each Elector in due time so that the most distant voter will have time to post his voting paper back to the Returning Officer.
ADVERT. FOR IMMEDIATE PRIVATE SALE – 30 ACRES of good Cultivation Land, known as Mr. Charles Barling’s and situated on a flat at Tomakin. Apply R. H. HARVISON, Auctioneer.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. https://www.mdhs.org.au