What we’ll build this year.
Here’s a list of some of the projects, big and small, that Council will be working on in your
neighbourhood this year. Long Beach • Long Beach to Surfside sewer rising main replacement 800 • Sandy Place, Long Beach sewage pump station upgrade 170 • Cullendulla Drive, Long Beach widen box culvert 50* The projects are funded by Council and also show where they have secured NSW and Australian Government funding. *fully or partially funded by rate variation (year 2 of 4-year capital program) **fully or partially funded by Australian or NSW Government grants, may include some in kind contribution from Council, and may run over multiple years • all amounts in $000
You can find details about these and all our other activities in Council’s Delivery Program and
Operational Plan Budget 2016-17. The figures listed may differ from those published in Council’s Operational Plan 2016–17. Note: the $ figures above have been rounded up and in some cases combined figures for the same project for ease of reading. For updated figures throughout the year, please review Council's quarterly budget review reports on the website. Source