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Nelligen Bridge replacement

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle


Planning is continuing for a new bridge on the Kings Highway at Nelligen with feedback now invited on the concept design and environmental impact assessment.

Member for Bega Andrew Constance said the NSW Government allocated $1.5 million this financial year to progress a new crossing of the Clyde River at Nelligen.

“A preferred location for a new bridge was identified in September last year, with a new bridge to be located north, or upstream, of the existing bridge,” Mr Constance said.

“The existing bridge was built in 1964 and a routine inspection last year identified the supporting concrete pillars under the bridge had deteriorated.

“The bridge can still carry traffic safely, but will require significant maintenance work in the future so it’s proposed a new, safer bridge be built.

“The design includes improvements to approaches to address safety issues to the east where there have been two fatal crashes in the past five years.

“As part of the bridge project, the highway approaches would be widened and bends improved to meet an 80km/h design standard.

“The new bridge would include 3.5 metre wide lanes with 2.5 metre wide shoulders and improved safety for pedestrians by providing a footpath separated from traffic with barriers.

“It is proposed to remove the existing bridge after the new bridge is completed.”

Mr Constance said feedback is invited from the community until Friday 18 November.

“The documents on display assess the potential environmental impact of the proposal and identify ways to manage and mitigate these impacts,” Mr Constance said.

“All submissions made during the display period will be addressed by Roads and Maritime with all responses published in a submissions report.”

The environmental impact assessment documents as well as the concept design can be found at Media Release

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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