Community now considering old location for new Sailing Club Shed at Kyla Park
Monday Oct 31st saw an on-site meeting representatives from Eurobodalla Council, the Tuross Head Progress Association, Tuross Community Garden group and the Batemans Bay Sailing Club come together to discuss the possible final location of the new Sailing Club shed. Under discussion was rebuilding the new shed in the same location as the old shed. Council had been adamant that the new sailing club shed was to only be built adjacent to the Tuross Community Gardens. This location did not sit well with the community who openly challenged it in a public forum during a Council meeting in June this year. Those attending the meeting were pleased that Council was now considering the old site. The attending community representatives were invited to make comment on the location and design of the new building and identify what space might be required for storage. It was generally agreed that the shed could have four bays, three for the sailing club and the fourth to be used by the Community Garden group. Council will now investigate the location looking closer at drainage, the casurina grove roots and access and hope to provide feedback to the community members in a fortnights time. There is $69,000 available for the project with $40,000 coming from the NSW State Community Building Partnership program. Council will do its calculations to see if it can achieve the project within this budget.