The Renewable Energy Expo in Narooma this weekend aims to provide everyone with a greater understanding of how to save on power bills and be more environmentally sustainable. It is a Narooma Rotary community project.Australian Solar Council CEO John Grimes said most people interested in batteries are those who already have solar panels or who are considering installing solar panels and batteries at the same time. ‘People are interested to know if batteries are right for them,’ he said. Grimes will speak at the Expo Forum at Club Narooma on Saturday night about the end of the feed-in tariff in NSW, exciting advances in energy storage, and Smart Energy Systems which bring together the latest in information technology with the latest in design technology. The Australian Solar Council will also have a stand at the Expo The Expo in Narooma Sport & Leisure Centre this Saturday 26th (10-4) and Sunday 27th (9-3, coincides with Sunday’s Markets) will feature 20 exhibitors including solar panel and hot water suppliers, battery suppliers, independent advisors on solar panel technologies and cutting costs and reducing emissions, sustainable housing, advisors on investing in solar farms, and a display of electric cars. Exhibition and Forum - Narooma Sport and Leisure Centre
SATURDAY 26th November
10am-4pm exhibition in the Sport and Leisure Centre
4:30pm see the system at the Cinema
5pm see the big solar system at the Club
6pm buffet dinner Please register
7:30pm public forum and information night
SUNDAY 27th November
9am-3pm exhibition in the Sport and Leisure Centre John Grimes is the CEO of the Solar Council. He has a passion for the solar industry and is regularly called on by the media to provide comment on solar issues. Hear about life after the 60c FIT is gone. Lawrence McIntosh from SolarShare on investment opportunities in solar. Find out about SolarShare and Goulburns solar farm CE4G . Community energy projects are financed and owned by the community, who control, manage and operate the project. The community also share in the profits it generates.Virtual Net metering explained Find out about some of the exciting advances in energy storage and the software from Reposit Power that can let your batteries make money for you. See the Tesla Powerwall battery Source