Good News Story for the Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary and United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc.
Members of Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary recently attended the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc (UHA) 83rd Annual State Conference at Bankstown. Other Auxiliaries from the South East Region were also in attendance. It is a great opportunity for members to network and find out what is happening in other areas that could help our own fundraising efforts.
On the first day a message from our Patron Mrs Linda Hurley, wife of the Governor of NSW, was read by our President Linda Swales and then it was on to business where we tackled Resolutions and General Business as well as Guest Speakers from Alzheimer's Australia and Father Chris Riley from Youth off the Streets.
The second day was Presentation Day with Trophy winners for funds raised during the year and also included Life Memberships awarded by our Past Patron Prof The Honorable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO and Guest Speaker from Medecins Sans Frontiers (Drs without borders).
Our State Treasurer announced in her 2015-16 financial Report, the Auxiliaries, through our 196 branches and 5,680 members had raised Net $5,996,282.32 and had Gifted Net $5,429,390.81 for the comfort and care of patients in hospitals, MPS and Community Health throughout NSW. Total hours volunteered 910,202 equivalent to 506 full time employees.
Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary members were happy to be presented with a Merit Award Certificate for raising over $100,000 Net. We thank our local community for their ongoing support. Our Auxiliaries throughout NSW could not achieve these wonderful goals without their support.
The Auxiliary is always on the look out for new members, DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF A FRIENDLY, ACTIVE AND WELCOMING GROUP - come along find out what we are about or look at our website: Volunteering is a gratifying thing to do - and it's wonderful to be part of such an organisation. You may ask - What skills can I bring - knitting, craft, sewing, cooking, selling raffle tickets, work on street stalls, filling vending machines, administration - it's ENDLESS
Media Release