The Tuross Head Progress Association (THPA) meeting on Thursday which was well attended by 30 Members.
Membership now stands at 89 members, slightly up from the 28 Members that existed at the AGM held on 6 Nov 16. The meeting agenda was broad covering issues of rabbits, historical signage, the need for a skate facility, dedication of public seating around the village, the highway intersection and main beach debris removal.
In discussions regarding the new sailing club shed for Kyla Park John Tilbrook, Senior Vice President of the Association provides a summary: "There are some benefits from the construction of the Community storage shed at Kyla Park to the wider community.
To begin it will not be constructed in Lot 77 (Area of Cultural Significance – aboriginal artefacts).
The is no need to further delay this construction project in awaiting the planned re-categorisation of Lot 77 as was mooted by Council.
The agreement of the new site for the shed by the BBSC, Community Garden and THPA on 31 Oct 16 will mean that the NSW Government Grant money of $40,000 will not be lost.
The shed will now be built on the site of the eyesore derelict storage shed situated alongside the Kyla Hall as was being lobbied for by all Tuross Community groups and adjacent Kyla Park Residents.
Total funds for the project is $69, i.e. $40k grant monies and $29k from Council.
Arising from the user groups meeting the Council (Chris Tague) will be re-designing the shed, the overall building envelope as to size and height will now be somewhat smaller than dimensions first proposed for Lot 77.
The new shed will replace the derelict illegal shed which has a dirt floor, insecure and regularly broken into and vandalised, presumably by youths.The new shed will have a concrete floor, will be more robust and secure, and will comprise 4 bays.
BBSC (Tuross members) will have 3 bays, one for a newer rescue/safety boat and two bays to accommodate two Hobie Cat sailing boats.
The separate 4th Bay will be used by the Tuross Community Garden Group to securely house lawn mowers and other attractive items of equipment (the TCG has experienced break-ins, theft and vandalism at its present site in Lot 77).
Rob Currall of BBSC has stated the two Hobie Cats are available for free use by Tuross residents wishing to learn how to sail on Coila Lake.
The BBSC will provide free tuition to anyone of any age that wishes to learn how to sail. It is hoped to increase recreational sailing, competitive sailing events and regattas on Coila Lake which in turn will indirectly help to support Tuross businesses and tourism?
The new proposed shed will be let on license to the BBSC and TCG by the Council, and building structure will be covered by Council’s liability and infrastructure insurance. BBSC and the TCG will be responsible for their own contents insurance for boats or equipment stored in the storage shed.
Water storage tanks are being considered as part of the overall project (funds permitting in the intermediate term) for rainwater harvested off the Shed and Kyla Hall.
Stored rainwater will be reticulated into the Hall and possibly to the change rooms for toilets/showers (funds permitting in the intermediate term).
The two user groups signified that they did not require reticulated services such as water or electricity, but can have access to harvested rainwater when connected, and into the future, installation of solar power panels and battery storage are possible add-ons funds permitting for after-hours lighting, and to re-charge outboard motor batteries, radios or battery powered garden equipment items.
Harvested rainwater can be transferred from the storage tanks to the TCG water storage reservoir (currently via RFS water tankers as training exercises).
The new shed on the site of the old shed will be more aesthetically pleasing and will be painted to blend into the sportsground landscape.
Hopefully the construction site will warrant the removal of some of the straggly clumps of Casuarina trees, and replaced with deciduous shade trees, such as London Plane trees impervious to insect attack to which Australian natives are prone.
In the future the storage shed may also be shared by other interested groups should the need rise or should the BBSC (Tuross) require less storage space. Tuross Marine Rescue clearly stated at the meeting that they do not have a need for storage in the shed. In future the Cricket Club, football teams or other club might require some secure storage?
Overall – this shed should be a welcome addition to the sporing facilities infrastructure in Tuross Head, both for now and into the future."