The Tuross Country Club Men's Golf Open will be held over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday December 3th and 4th 2016. The 36 hole scratch and handicap competition offers excellent prize money of $3,500 plus for winners and runner up players in all grades.
Tuross Head Country Club Men's Golf would like to thank their major sponsors for this event.
The competition entry fee is only $40 for the 2 day event or $25 daily. This entry fee includes BBQ lunch both days and a 18 hole ball competitions each day and nearest the pins.
For more information contact Bruce Lidbury by phone 4473 8408 or email thelidburys@bigpond.com or Dave Schmid phone 4473 9840 or email wand33@bigpond.com
Many thanks to our major and minor sponsors:
Tuross Head Country Club
G.J. Gardner Homes
Tuross Pharmacy
ECC-East Coast Carts Batemans Bay
ALM-Australian Liquor Marketers P/L
Augusta Golf Carts P/L
Moruya Jockey Club VETERAN GOLFERS CHRISTMAS PARTY Once again it is a time for frivolity, good cheer, an excellent luncheon and the celebration of another good golfing year as the Veteran Golfers Sub-Club enjoy their Christmas party at the THCC 2 Waters Bistro. Numbers and table bookings need to be in early for this event which will be held on Wednesday December 7th. TUROSS HEAD COUNTRY CLUB DECEMBER 2016 GOLF PROGRAM MEN’S GOLF Saturday December 3 Open Championships Sunday December 4 Open Championships Saturday December 10 Monthly Medal Saturday December 17 Scoty Christmas Gift Saturday December 24 Single Par Saturday December 31 4B Teams S/stableford Times and entry via Golf Magic at the club. THURSDAY COMPETITION Play 18 holes each Thursday in a Stableford Competition. Open to both men and ladies. Competition fee $12. FSCDGA Members $22 Entry forms at the club. LADIES GOLF Tuesday December 6 President V Captain Christmas Breakup Party NSW School Holidays Dec. 16 to Jan. 31 Entry forms via Golf Magic at the club. MEN AND LADIES VETERANS GOLF Wednesday December 7 4 Person Ambrose Wednesday December 7 Christmas Party Wednesday December 14 Stroke and Putts Wednesday December 21 Stableford Wednesday December 28 Par 9 hole shotgun start 8 am for 8.30 am. Visitors do not need a Golflink handicap. LUNCHEON GOLF Monday December 12th 9 hole stableford 9.15 for 9.30 am start. Lunch presentation.