Just a reminder for members of the Long Beach Rural Fire Brigade. That tonight there is training at the station @ 6:30. Hope to see you all there.
Also we would like to introduce our newest bit of equipment a Light Tower for our training night's. As used this night for a simulation at Maloneys Beach. Kindly donated to us by Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. So from all of us at Long Beach Rural Fire Brigade THANK YOU!!!!!
Join Us. To express interest in joining Long Beach RFS, as a junior or senior volunteer, simply go to http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/volunteer/Join-the-NSW-RFS and click the menu link. Then go to the "volunteer link" and "join the NSW RFS". Fill in all the details and they will be forwarded through to us. If you would like to come up to the station to get an idea of what we do, we have training on the 1st Wednesday of each month and a Maintenance/Training night on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Our meetings are on the last Wednesday of the month. Anyone is welcome to come up. Thank you from Long Beach RFS. Source