Our local State Government member, the Minister for Transport, Hon Andrew Constance will be paying a visit to Tuross at 10 am on Monday 21 November 2016 meeting at the tennis court car park.
Members of the Tuross Head Progress Association (THPA) have been encouraged to attend the gathering to raise some issues with the Minister about possible funding grants for infrastructure in the village of Tuross.
In particular the THPA are seeking his in principle support to assist with funding for the proposed Skate Facility in Tuross, given his previous strong support for the Basketball Court and the upgrade of the Tuross Head Tennis Courts lighting and fencing.
Recent advice from Council sought by Gary Cooper (President of THPA) is that the Skate Facility in Tuross is not high on their priority list. This recreational facility for youths in Tuross has been bandied about with Council for almost 20 years, and now the THPA would like to see some outline planning advice from the ESC as to WHAT (design specifications), WHERE (location in Tuross) and the estimated COST? The figure of $150k was mentioned at the THPA October last year when Council addressed the meeting. This was the same meeting where Council staff advised the THPA that they would call a community meeting as soon as possible to discuss a location and listen to the views of the community. That meeting is still to be called over 12 months later. The THPA has once again formally requested of Council feedback on WHAT and WHERE from Council so that they have a baseline for discussion with Andrew Constance on Monday. The THPA Vice President, John Tilbrook, has informed The Beagle that Council has just written to the Progress Association and said that they acknowledge the THPA request for further clarification as to cost, design and location of the proposed skate facility in Tuross Head, prior to their meeting with Andrew Constance, this coming Monday. They also advised the THPA that "This project requires much community consultation before any decision can be made as to the location and design of the skate elements. We then will need to secure funds, either council funds or external grants."Council advised that they were not in a position to provide the details of WHAT and WHERE that the THPA had requested by Monday. They informed the Association that they "noted the comment" that "this facility is not high on Council’s priority list and has ‘been bandied about with Council for almost 20 years" and will now endeavour to meet with relevant staff prior to the end of the year to discuss the steps they need to take to commence review of this project again.
At this juncture the proposed site for the facility has not yet been agreed by Council and the Tuross community though a recent Tuross Giant survey indicated a preference for either Evans Park Reserve or Kyla Park oval. Evans Park is considered to be unsuitable as it is too near adjoining residential housing and would mean that it would be co-located in close proximity to the pre-schoolers playground equipment with concerns of un-social behavior, language etc. Other possible locations suggested by the THPA are 1) the southern most point of McWilliam Park adjacent to the One – Tree Lookout carpark, or 2) Kyla Park Sports Precinct behind Lake Street between the Tennis Courts and Hector McWilliam Drive where it could be easily observed by passing traffic and passing police patrols.
Other issues which will be raised with Minister Constance (but not limited to) are:
1. The concern the Tuross community has with the hazardous T intersection (Princess highway and Hector McWilliam Drive) ahead of a possible on-site meeting with the RMS and THPA executive being orchestrated by the Deputy Mayor. For this reason community members who have had a bad experience at this T intersection have been invited to come along and lend support.
2. Cycle/Walkway – possible funding for the missing link, again for public safety reasons - The last missing link of pathway on the southern side of Tuross, being the final section of the proposed Cycle/Walk along the south side of Nelson Parade between the entrance to the boat ramp at Lavender Bay and the public toilet block in the Sandy Point Reserve car park (Boat shed precinct). The propensity is for the local residents and tourists alike to choose to walk along the dangerous narrow section of bitumen road between these two popular landmarks as this is the most direct route, rather than deviate to the lower roadway that is also shared with vehicles and boat trailers which follows the edge of the foreshore of Lavender Bay. This section of missing pathway being referred to is situated opposite residential lots No. 4 Nelson to No. 20 Nelson Parade.
3. Funding for a commemorative bronze sculpture of Hector McWilliam upon a plinth of Moruya granite.