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Tuross Head Progress Assoc. minutes Nov 2016

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Below is the draft copy of the key discussion points within the THPA Minutes for the last monthly meeting held on 3rd Nov 2016. While a lengthy read the additional information contained in the Minutes is for the benefit of those THPA members and residents and ratepayers of the wider Tuross Head area who were unable to attend the meeting, hopefully offering a better understanding concerning the many issues which were covered. TUROSS HEAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION INC.MINUTES OF MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON 3rd NOVEMBER 2016 At Kyla Hall Committee Room, Kyla Sports Precinct, Tuross Head RE-INSTATEMENT OF BIKE RACK As stated above in correspondence the Council have now replaced the bicycle rack on a new concrete base. The rack is of stainless steel & will allow 2 bikes to be stored. A photograph of the completed Water Bubbler & Bike Rack was circulated to members. SKATE PARK THPA President, Gary Cooper, advised the most recent information is that the Council has appointed a new person in this role to take over from Ann Nicholson & this person (Kathy Arthur) will call a public meeting in Tuross at some time in the future, most likely in 2017. According to Gary Cooper this officer pointed out that the skate facility …. was not high on our priority list! That said, last year the Council (Ann Nicholson) addressed a THPA meeting pushing for THPA and community support for a skate park, and a suggested costing of $150k was mentioned based on the construction costs of the Skate Park at Narooma. Lei Parker responded with a passionate address, stating that this subject had gone on far too long. The Skate Facility for youths at Tuross was first raised by Council more than 20 years ago! At this juncture the proposed site for the facility had not yet been negotiated by Council and the Tuross community. Evans Park is unsuitable as it is too near adjoining residential housing and would mean that it would be co-located in close proximity to the pre-schoolers playground with concerns of un-social behaviour, language etc. Other possible locations would be in the southern most point of McWilliam Park adjacent to the One – Tree Lookout carpark, or in Kyla Park Sports Precinct behind Lake Street between the Tennis Courts and Hector McWilliam Drive where it could be easily observed by passing traffic and passing police patrols. Lei Parker stated that funding is not the issue, as once we are advised by Council as to exactly WHAT the skate facility design specifications and cost estimates look like, and WHERE the facility is to sited, the THPA and Council can chase grant money through out local State and Federal Government members. Lei Parker made the point that Minister Andrew Constance has previously indicated that he would find the money, such as was the case for the Basket Ball Court. Present at the meeting was Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne who undertook to take this issue up with Director of Infrastructure Services (Warren Sharpe) as to WHAT and WHERE and examining priority for this skate facility. THPA & COUNCIL WORK IN PROGRESS Reinstatement of former Ducie Imrie Bench Seat.Warren Sharpe has advised THPA that the former Dulcie Imrie’s seat funded by THPA which was removed from Nelson Parade is to be re-located on the Cycle/Walk on the Tuross Boulevarde section (opposite No. 77) adjacent to the two old Stafford Dixon stools under the two Cyprus Pines which are to be removed. This site as recommended by Council is presently blocked by several tonnes of sand alongside due to road reconstruction work being undertaken in Island View Road and in Shell Street, but the bench will be placed in location before Christmas. Warren Sharpe also advised that the concrete pad for the bench will be extended so that disabled persons in a wheelchair or mobility scooter can park alongside the bench when in company with carer’s. Lei Parker addressed the meeting that the THPA should dedicate this bench seat by naming it in honour of the Stafford Dixon in recognition of his championing of disabled access in Tuross, such as the Beach Wheelchair and the ramps down to Main Beach, Disabled Toilets and the disabled ramp access up to the One-Tree Viewing Platform. The wording to be determined by the Secretary and the intent cleared by Council (Warren Sharpe). Motion - Moved by Lei Parker, seconded by John Byrne. CARRIED. MAIN BEACH ACCESS Maureen Baker has created a CSR re for extension of the railing at Main Beach because of the steepness of the concrete path that is slippery underfoot when covered in beach sand. . She was told that funds were available for this activity. John Tilbrook followed this up with a letter to Council on 29 October 2016. Council has repaired the hand railing on the steps side of the access, however, the THPA is haranguing Council (Jenny Barrett) about installation of the hand railing on the steep slope pathway which was the initial request in the CSR. John Tilbrook has circulated THPA correspondence on this topic to all members for their information. LOT 77 – RECATEGORISATION PLAN BY COUNCIL (open area adjacent to Kyla Oval part-occupied by Tuross Community Gardens) Gary Cooper advised that we are still awaiting for the new Council to authorise an open public meeting on their proposal for responses from the Tuross community. Fortunately for the opponents several aboriginal artefacts have been found at the proposed Batemans Bay Sailing Club (BBSC) boat storage shed site during a search conducted by Access Archaeology on 26 July 2016 band reported to NSW Government . The pressure to proceed with re-categorisation of Lot 77 – Area of Cultural Significance has fallen away markedly as a result of the 31 Oct 16 Council meeting at Kyla Hall with the BBSC, Community Garden Group (CGG) and THPA to determine the desired location of the proposed BBSC storage shed, the re-design requirements and storage needs of interested groups. In summing up the new shed will now be erected at the site of the present derelict shed as has been called for by all Tuross community groups. John Tilbrook provided all THPA members of the outcome of this Meeting. The BBSC will have three storage bays and the CCG will have one bay for securing lawnmowers and attractive items of equipment. Common sense has finally prevailed. REMOVAL OF DRIFTWOOD FROM MAIN BEACH. The Council has been approached for removal of the drift wood by a myriad of complainants to no avail. Subsequently John Tilbrook made a THPA submission the Mayor Liz Innes about the safety concerns, hazards to beach users and swimmers, and duty of care on the part of Council. Warren Sharpe has since responded to the THPA that the Main Beach will be cleared before the commencement of the summer swimming season and tourist season. In the meantime Warren Sharpe is urging Tuross residents to collect the firewood needs from the timber on the beach.. KYLA HALL MONTHLY SUNDAY MARKETS Following up the 2015 initiative launched by Lei Parker to raise funds for future THPA projects, whereby the THPA could manage a monthly Sunday market and charge stall holders $10 per table or space, and thus raise up to a maximum of $200 per month, plus any profits from catering sausage sizzle/cakes/coffee/tea etc.The Council (Mark Brain, Deputy Development Officer) has issued THPA with a list of their requirements for the DA which requires a plan of the Hall to be submitted showing the location of all 20 stall tables within the Hall. John Tilbrook is working on answers as to what is required in terms of the detail of the plans that need to be submitted to cater for 20 x tables (stalls) within the Hall and on the deck, but financial feasibility is in question as the Council booking fee for the Hall stands at between $150 and $200 per day, the lesser fee being a discounted rate negotiated for example by the Tuross Men’s Shed to the Model Boat display. MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR PLAQUES. The Council has drafted a COMMUNITY AGREEMENT between ESC and THPA for the ongoing maintenance of the Tuross Head Heritage Signs. The context of the Agreement was presented to the meeting and it was agreed that the President should proceed with the formal signing of the document which is effectively a contract for the long term maintenance of the 5 x Tuross History plaques. Queries from Lei Parker were satisfactorily addressed by Gary Cooper, and the document was formally signed by Warren Sharpe ESC and Gary Cooper THPA on 8 Nov 16. A copy of the signed Community Agreement was to be emailed to all THPA members for information. PUBLIC TOILET BLOCKS THAT CURRENTY REQUIRE REFURBISHMENT The toilet at the car park at the end of the Beach caravan park is revolting also has safety issues for users, especially women, as the entrance to the toilets is isolated and in behind the toilet block and therefore away from public scrutiny, it is very bushy and a very dark area at night. Also the Coila Beach toilet block needs much work as well. A previous survey conducted by the Tuross GIANT found that 75% of respondents would not contemplate using the toilets because of safety fears and poor condition of the toilets.Lei Parker spoke on this issue, and made the point that Council must have a record of the estimated life of all public facilities, and the estimated remaining life. The Secretary THPA was asked to write to Council and seek firm advice (through the Mayor or Deputy Mayor) as to the time schedule when the public toilet blocks at Main Beach and Coila Beach are due to be replaced (remaining life). The Council should have in place a standard replacement schedule, and draw on revenue raised by the Special Rates Variation? The standard of toilets is impacting poorly upon the impressions of amenities experienced by tourists and visitors using our beaches. RABBIT PLAGUE Gary Cooper recounted seeing many rabbits in Tuross and has received several complaints from residents about the growth in numbers and damage to lawns and gardens. Lei Parker made the comment that his own property has become Rabbit Central! Gary Cooper understood from queries he made that the Council response is that it is that time of year! Rob Evans informed the meeting that Council funds for eradication of rabbits for this current financial year have already been exhausted, so additional funds should be found. Poisoning by bait laying is the most effective, as experience has found that eradication by shooting costs the ratepayer $7 per rabbit, and given the current population you would need a lot of ammunition supplies? The Secretary THPA is to pursue the Council for advice on rabbit extermination programs for Tuross Head peninsular in particular. Editors Note - for an up to date statement of proposed rabbit control strategies planned for Tuross Head read the article


John Tilbrook and Lei Parker raised the issue of THE BODIES OF 4 drowned persons having been buried in un-marked graves near Coila Beach & suggesting we should fund a historical plaque. John Tilbrook is to determine when and where all four victims were drowned outside of the Tuross river mouth. Two victims have so far been identified, George Magill and Thomas Maher who both drowned on 26 March 1867 and they were buried in a an unmarked grave area in the reserve area under the Casuarina grove (now) bounded by Bridges Avenue, Chauvel Crescent and Coila lake. A third victim, Frenchman Frederick Maessey, was also drowned on the same date but his body was never recovered.

When George Magill (gentleman visiting John Hawdon’s farm at Kyla Park at Coila) and Thomas Maher (servant and coachman to John Hawdon) were buried in the un-marked grave area on 29 March 1867, the burial site in the Casuarina grove was selected as there were already two marked graves at that burial site. Research into pre 1867 death records into the two graves, believed to be Chinese coolies, continues. Assistance is being sought from John Byrne and the Moruya District Historical Society. It was suggested that the local history Author and former Canberra Times journalist, Robert Macklin, be approached to join the research into this local Tuross history.


The President raised the issue of seeking ESC funding for some of the THPA projects, but to no avail, Council says the coffers are empty. However, it was suggested that there could be a NSW Government grant avenue available, such as for generating commemorative projects (sic Hector McWilliam bust and commemoration plaque mounted on a plinth of Moruya granite). To support this idea the ESC has sent the THPA President a 37 page booklet (shopping list) of possible grants.

In chasing grants, investigate the possibility of pursuing the construction of the alternative boat launching ramp, jetty and car & boat trailer park on the shores of Kyla Park west of the exiting boat ramp at Lavender Bay (off Nelson Parade).

The dredging of sand is not effective in the long term and is not cost effective. The restricted area where dredged sand is dumped in Lavender Bay or on Sandy Point gets swept back to the boat ramp area on the outgoing high tides. For this reason an alternative boat launching point for locals and tourists needs to the pursued as a matter of urgency, beginning with obtaining Council plans and costs so State and Federal grant monies can be pursued.

Lei Parker pointed out that when Grant funding is being pursued from State or Federal Governments (though our local members), there are three key factors that must be obtained before lodgement. What exactly is being acquired (approved design), Where is it to be located (ESC must give their concurrence in writing especially if they are to maintain the infrastructure) and a proper fully costed proposal). GENERAL BUSINESS:ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT T INTERSECTION ON PRINCES HIGHWAY Fitzroy Boulting raised the urgent need to improve the public safety at the T intersection of the Princes Highway and Hector McWilliam Drive, as the current traffic arrangement is an ever present risk to the physical integrity of all road users using this intersection or passing this intersection travelling north or south. Fitzroy Boulting sought the support of the THPA to effect change by the RMS in following up with correspondence, as he has already done, with our NSW State Member (Minister Andrew Constance) and out Federal Member (Ann Sudmalis). Lei Parker and Gary Cooper pointed out this this potentially deadly intersection was the responsibility of the RMS, and all past attempts over the past 5 years has resulted no action to improve the intersection, install any Stop signs or to reduce the speed limit from 100 kph to 80 kph.Considerable discussion followed from the floor of the meeting, and Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne addressed supporting our concerns. He is the head of the Eurobodalla Traffic Committee and a member of the Black Spot Traffic Committee. He undertook to follow this matter up with the Mayor, General Manager and RMS.All suggestions are welcome to improve the traffic road layout . One such suggestion from John Tilbrook is in addition to a reduction to the Speed in the vicinity from 100 kph to 80 kph, is for the left overtaking lane on the northern approach to the Tuross turn-off be extended right up to Hector McWilliam Drive so that the left hand lane after Coila is dedicated for traffic wishing to turn left into Tuross, whereas the right hand lane be restricted to vehicle wishing to proceed directly south on the highway. The ad hoc ‘car-pooling’ car park used by daytime employees in Moruya and the Bay that is situated on the left hand corner of the T intersection should be expanded substantially and sealed for car parking (as currently used.) and the right hand corner of the T intersection be levelled to create a Rest Area for all manner of vehicles. In concert with this there needs to be widening of Hector McWilliam Drive entrance so that a dedicated feed in turn lane can be created to cater for vehicles turning into Tuross and Hector McWilliam Drive from the south (Bodalla direction). The existing Bus Shelter and vehicle layby on the roadside verge should be retained and extended to the top of the hill where it descends down to Coila Creek Road. SUBMISSION TO THE EUROBODALLA PATHWAYS STRATEGY (2016) As listed in Outwards Correspondence John Tilbrook lodged the THPA submission dated 22 Sep 16 to the Eurobodalla Shire Council (vide the Pathways Strategy media release dated 9 August 2016) for input to the Shire’s pathways strategy plan to be considered by the Pathways Advisory Committee.This Council initiative was discussed at the last monthly meeting of the Tuross Head Progress Association (THPA) held on 1 September 2016 during which the priorities for pathways within the village of Tuross Head were debated. As a consequence the following four priorities were for shared cycle/walks and footpaths were identified and lodged with Council in the THPA submission on behalf of the Tuross community. Priority 1. The long awaited major “missing link” in the pathway, being the final of un-completed cycle/walk from the end on Monash Ave (West) at the bottom of Anderson Ave, and heading eastwards in order to connect with the end of the completed Cycle/Walk which is adjacent to the Coila lake (300 meters north of Coila Ave). This rough terrain unsealed footpad is heavily used by west-side residents of all ages, as it represents the only safe pedestrian and cycle route in order to join up with the cycle/walk that leads to the beaches and the only shopping centre in the village. Priority 2. The last missing link of pathway on the southern side of Tuross, being the final section of the proposed Cycle/Walk along the south side of Nelson Parade between the entrance to the boat ramp at Lavender Bay and the public toilet block in the Sandy Point Reserve car park (Boat shed precinct). The propensity is for the local residents and tourists alike to choose to walk along the dangerous narrow section of bitumen road between these two popular landmarks as this is the most direct route, rather than deviate to the lower roadway that is also shared with vehicles and boat trailers which follows the edge of the foreshore of Lavender Bay. This section of missing pathway being referred to is situated opposite residential lots No. 4 Nelson to No. 20 Nelson Parade. Priority 3. There was also strong support for a public footpath to be constructed along the northern side of Hector McWilliam Drive from Lake Street (aka #6 Hector McW Drive) from west to east, in order to reach the T intersection of Allenby (aka #59 Allenby) and Hector McWilliam Drive (East). Priority 4. Finally, a continuation of the Cycle/Walk pathway route from the corner of Allenby Road at the Hector McWilliam “T” intersection, downhill along the western side of Allenby Road heading in a northerly direction, in order to join up the existing completed pathway on the corner of Monash Avenue and Bridges Avenue. Our submission pointed out, as was suggested by Lei Parker, that subject to negotiation between Council and the THPA membership, our Association has considerable funds at hand which can be used as a community contribution towards the overall cost of the works program for those proposed sections of cycle/walk pathways referred to above as Priority 1 and Priority 2. TUROSS HEAD INFORMAL GENEALOGY HISTORY SECTION THIGHS) Local historian and member of the Moruya District Historical Society (John Byrne THPA) addressed the meeting on a new group he is forming so as research, record and possibly publish the History of Tuross, Turlinjah, Coila etc and the stories of its inhabitants and forebear pioneers. Anyone interest in joining up with the opening of THIGHS can do so by sending a SMS to John Byrne on 0403 685 385. Prologue Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne has had discussions with RMA and as a consequence he is orchestrating on on-site meeting at the T intersection with RMA and his Eurobodalla Traffic Committee members. The president and Secretary THPA have been invited to attend the on-site meeting and relay concerns to the RMS engineers. The date and time of this meeting is still being negotiated, but it has been suggested that Lei Parker and Fitzroy Boulting also be invited to attend the ESC, RMS and THPA assembly on the highway when convened. NEXT THPA MEETING The next Monthly meeting is scheduled for 2:00pm Thursday 1 December 2016. This meeting was duly closed at 2.45 pm, 3 Nov 16. John Tilbrook,Acting THPA Secretary, 14th Nov 2016


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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