An urgent on-site meeting with all key stakeholder groups has been organised for 10.30 am this coming Tuesday 6th December 2016 in the One-Tree Carpark at the Main Beach access point to discuss and develop a co-ordinated plan of action for the burning or disposing of the timber debris littered on Main Beach so that the beach is returned to pristine condition ahead of the summer tourist season. A date will be negotiated at the onsite meeting on 6 Dec 16 which will centre on the availability of the RFS Tuross Brigade members as they are key to the conducting of the burn and total extinguishing of the fire and cooling of sand for public safety. Once a date has been determined the community will be advised.
Gary Cooper (President THPA) will attendand the Tuross Head RFS Tuross Secretary, Tuross Marine Rescue and the Tuross Head Men’s Shed have been informed.
There has been a lot of interest from the Tuross residents all wanting to volunteer in the beach clean-up exercise. This in turn should free up the RFS members to concentrate of the sparks and fire side of the operation if it is decided to set burn piles on the beach. The meeting ill also discuss alternate options of having a front end loader push the timber up on top of the sand dunes fronting the beach.
All interested groups are urged to attend. Council have advised that volunteers can be involved and their assistance is welcome. Council supervisors on site will need to go through a few basic safety measures to make sure the site remains well managed and the volunteers are safe, including: - Volunteers registering as either RFS volunteers, or as individual community volunteers - Each volunteer will be provided with personal protective equipment for use on the day (Council will provide vest and gloves for temporary use on the day) - Work activity briefing by David Southwell in conjunction with the Rural Fire Service- Limiting timber gathered to a size within a comfortable lifting weight/size - Appropriate barricading of the fire, including after extinguishment - Other measures as determined by David and the RFS on-site - Putting the fire out at days end with water (not sand) Photo of Tuross Beach gunyah by Sue Hutcheson

Post script: Although there is a lot of concern re debris on the beach beach goers love the various constructions and feel it would be a shame to see them all go. Here is a grand construction that some grandkids had fun building last school holidays. Photo by Sue Burns.