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Carry-on in Council

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Convenient Memory Losses or Sour Grapes? During the pay parking debate at last Tuesday’s council meeting, the ex-mayor’s “carry-on” was true to form for what could be expected from a petulant would-be politician of convenience. While being very critical of the lack of consultation with the community on the pay parking matter, it was apparently, conveniently, forgotten who had been in the chair for the four years prior to the September election when the subject had been raised any number of times. Similarly, when decrying the potential impact of lost meter revenue on the budget, it was conveniently ignored that the unbudgeted $3 million purchase of the old bowling club site, and the consequent commitment to on-going expenses, was made during the last council’s term without any plans for the site being in place then, or even now. Publicly, the current mayor has handled the role very well, much better, it could be said, than her predecessor when three months into the job: she should be allowed to get on with the job without any more obstruction from yesterday’s man or his minions. Jeff de Jager Coila.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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