Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of February 10th, 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
MEDICAL. – Dr. Quilter, who is absent on holidays, has arranged with Dr. Hatherell to take over his practice for a fortnight.
ONLY a few Orpington cockerels and Plymouth Rock pullet left for sale. Inspections invited.
PUBLICAN FINED. – James H. Beresford, licensee of the Central Hotel Bega, was fined £2 with 6s costs on Monday for keeping his booth open for sale of liquor after 6 p.m. at Bega races on 1st January.
ANOTHER REMINDER. – We have to again remind buyers at the late furniture sale who have not settled their accounts, that our clerk’s patience has become exhausted in waiting to adjust the books.
ACCIDENT. A little girl in the employ of Mr. J. J. Heffernan, Yarragee was admitted to the local hospital on Thursday evening, suffering from a severe wound in the leg through being cut by barbed wire.
QUALIFYING CERTIFICATE. – The following pupils from Eurobodalla Public School were awarded Qualifying Certificates: - John l. Storman, Reginald J. Bishop, Marjorie A. Byrne, Walter S. Reed, and Edna Mary Taylor. Their popular and talented teacher, Mrs. J. Johnston, thus scores another triumph in her long list of scholastic successes.
CHAPMAN NO 1. – Captain Jim Austin Chapman who has been in London on a fortnight’s leave from the front, cables that he had lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Deakin and Miss Deakin and that Mr. Deakin was improving in health. He also saw Mr. Fisher who is looking particularly well. Capt. Jim has gone back to the front again.
CHAPMAN NO 2. – Captain Jack Austin Chapman cables from London that he is convalescent after 6 weeks in hospital. During his stay there many Australians called to see him, including Mr. and Mrs. And Miss Deakin. He is now recuperating in Devon preparatory to joining his regiment at the front, where he hopes to be during the month.
CHASING MUSHROOMS. – Immediately after the Moruya Hurdle Race had been run on Tuesday last the Metropolitan champion hurdle and steeple-chase rider, E. Moon, was seen in the saddling paddock with a small bag of beautiful mushrooms. Asked by our rep where he got them, he replied “Over there, I spotted them when riding round in the Hurdle Race.” Moon must have had an easy ride on old Inverlorn, as it is the first occasion we have heard of a hurdle rider chasing mushrooms.

AUSTRALIAN SINGERS. – Owing to deprivations many a promising Australian voice has found its way to the scrap heap – so to speak- and not infrequently one of only mediocre calibre, whose owner enjoys the advantages of of wealth and friends to accompany him or her along, attains an efficiency of voice culture that enables him or her to star the world as a singer of considerable note. Writer often looks back into years long past with feelings of pleasure, tinged with no small degree of pride, when he first heard the clear sweet notes of Molly Ryan – now the famous Australian song bird, “Miss Marie Narelle” – when she used to warble to the patrons of her mother’s Post Office Hotel, in the little village of Cobargo. Miss Eva Mylott is another of our Australian song birds whom the “Examiner” assisted, not financially, but by inducing her, when only a pupil at our local Convent School, to sing at public entertainments and encouraging her by means of praise on the richness of her now world-famed contralto voice.

Above: Read more of Miss Marie Narelle and Eva Mylott ( Mel Gibsons famous grandmother ) here
BODALLA. – (From our Correspondent.) All of the candidates who sat for the qualifying certificate examinations at the local school were successful in passing. Our popular school teacher Mr. P. J. Hogan is to be congratulated on getting such a good result. The following are the names of the candidates. George Brown, Charles Connolly, Herbert Hogan, Eddie Illingworth, Ivy Milliner, and George Milliner.
McMillan Bros., of Corunna have started the Saw Mill at Potato Point which was started about three years ago by the Ironbark Co., and was closed down on account of the war. Messrs. McMillans expect to employ about thirty men when they get it going properly.
Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (