The DCA AGM was held on Saturday 18 February.
The following Executive office bearers were elected for this year:
President - Trevor Daly
Secretary - Paul May
Treasurer - Carolyn Morey
Vice President - Mike Lewis
The following members of the Durras Hall Advisory Group were re-elected (Mick May, Helen Tennant, Paul May, Moira Christie and Carolyn Morey)
Andrea Annear has agreed to continue with maintenance and other issues for the Durras Hall piano.
At the AGM Geoff Mitchell decided not to renominate again for the Executive. On behalf of the Association and the Durras community I wish to give a big thanks to Geoff for his many years serving as Treasurer for the Durras Community Association (and formerly Progress Association). Carolyn Morey has taken the role of Treasurer.
For those unable to attend the AGM, attached FYI is a copy of my Presidents Report summarising the efforts and achievements of the Association in 2016.
The meeting dates for the DCA in 2017 are:
Sunday 23 April at 4pm
Sunday 2 July at 4pm
Saturday 19 August at 4pm
Sunday 14 October at 4pm
As usual all meetings will be held at Durras Hall. Please put in your diary.
Quick updates:
Princes Highway junction - Roadworks to upgrade the junction are due to recommence in March and should be finished quickly.
Footpath on Durras Drive at headland - ESC has included the DCA recommendation for a short footpath and road safety barrier to be constructed on the northern edge of Durras Road where it curves around the headland (to link up the existing path and the bridge) as the next priority for Durras in its Pathway Strategy. This will improve road safety for pedestrians and bike users who currently use the edge of the road in this area on a blind corner. We just need to find the funding for this project now.
Durras Handmade Market - Once again there will be a handmade arts and crafts market on Easter Saturday 15 April 2017 from 9am to 1pm at Durras Hall and surrounds. This will be a fundraiser for the headland pathway. Please put this in your diary, tell your friends and family and come along. Previous years markets have been a great success.