An NBN Forum that will be held at the Moruya RSL Hall from 12pm-1pm this Friday 17th March, with Stephen Jones MP, Shadow Minister for Regional Communications. This forum should be of particular interest to residents of Moruya and Tuross Head who will be the next in line for NBN rollout that is already being described as a dead horse in terms of what it will actually deliver. Labor’s Shadow Minister for Regional Communications Stephen Jones MP and Labor Candidate for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips are holding an NBN Forum in Moruya this week to discuss these issues. A new report has found that Australia has just dropped even further down the world rankings for internet speed – we’ve dropped from 48 to 51. We now lag behind Kenya, Latvia, Romania and Estonia – and New Zealand. In their media relaese for the event Jones and Phillips say one of the reasons for this poor rating is the Turnbull Government’s second rate, “Fibre to the Node” NBN. Labor’s Shadow Minister for Regional Communications Stephen Jones MP offers: "The further your home or business is from an NBN node, the more you will be relying on copper for your broadband. When it comes to broadband, technology matters. Mr Turnbull’s second rate copper “Fibre to the Node” NBN will never be “superfast”. Not surprisingly, the customer experience of Mr Turnbull’s copper NBN has been a huge let down. The Coalition’s NBN is more expensive, less reliable, slower and worst of all – likely to be near obsolete before the rollout is even done. It’s a far cry from the fibre optic NBN that Labor planned. Even worse, NBN is planning on creating a “digital divide” within Moruya and Tuross by giving some homes and businesses the new “Fibre to the Curb” technology, but others the second rate copper NBN. Labor doesn’t think it’s fair that people will be paying the same price – but getting a different broadband. It’s not too late to stop the copper NBN rolling out. Come along to the NBN forum to find out what you can do."