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Kelly Eastwood's Sesame Crusted Feta with warm honey

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

As always it is a pleasure to chat about food and especially local food on ABC South East Radio. The most recent excursion on to air together with Tilba cheese maker Erica Dibden for a 'cheese chat' and recipe to go with it. Enjoy Erica's step by step recipe Feta making recipe and then whip up a batch of my Sesame Crusted Feta with warm honey? A perfect treat for the rainy days we have been having. Bell Brook Feta Ingredients • 10 Itrs of fresh cows/goats milk • 1/4 tsp mesophilic culture ( Cheeselinks ) • Calcium chloride if high fat cheese • 1/2 tsp liquid rennet Method: Sterilize Warm milk to 32 degrees Sprinkle culture on surface, stir gently leave 1 hour Dilute rennet in water 1:1 Stir through milk Leave undisturbed for 45 minutes Cut 1.5 cm cube ( cake rack palate knife ) Stir gently for 20 mins for softer cheese 30 mins for harder cheese Let stand 5 mins Ladle into cloth lined colander drain 5 mins then flip mould after 10 mins Drain for 1 hr flipping every 15 mins. Then let drain for 24 hours at room temp without flipping Sesame Crusted Feta with warm honey

Ingredients ¼ cup honey ½ tsp. smoked paprika ¼ cup plain flour 1 organic, free range egg 50g white sesame seeds 200g local feta cheese 1 lemon, cut into wedges

Method 1. Using a small pan, gently heat the honey until it is warm and runny. 2. Get three bowls ready. Mix the paprika and flour in the first bowl, crack the egg into the second one, and pour the sesame seeds into the third bowl. 3. Heat a frying pan to a medium heat. 4. Dip the feta into the flour mix, followed by the egg, and finally coat the feta in sesame seeds, making sure it is covered all over. 5. Drizzle a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into the frying pan, and on a low heat, gently fry the feta on both sides until golden brown and the cheese has slightly softened. 6. Remove from the frying pan, and transfer to a plate. By now the honey should be warm and runny – drizzle the honey over the slightly melted, sesame crusted feta, squeeze a bit of lemon over it and enjoy as a part of a mezze or antipasto plate. You can hear Kelly regularly on ABC Southeast Radio,discussing different food topics, and recipes .The Beagle is delighted in being able to share Kelly's recipes and articles. You can also follow Kelly on her blog-site and her wealth of recipes and ideas or visit her on Instagram at how2cookwithkelly or via her website at


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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