Heathen Fest 2017 To cellabrate the coming of the Winter Solstice, South Coast Metalheads brings to you Heathen Fest! Featuring; Reign Of Terror Black Mountain Inebriator Inhuman Remnants Terravorous Cockbelch As well as a beard comp hosted by Canbeards - The Beard and Moustache Club of Canberra Get your winter woolies on for you chance to take out the best in one of three categories; ~ Best Viking Beard ~ Fullest Thickest Beard ~ Best Bushranger Beard Saturday June 3rd @ Moruya Waterfront Hotel Motel Doors @ 6:30pm Tickets $20 avaible at Moruya Waterfront Hotel Motel, planet TX Music, Kapow Kollectibles, or on the door until soldout. Thank you to: Ambiguous, Kapow Kollectibles, planet TX Music, Canbeards - The Beard and Moustache Club of Canberra, The Full Metal Lockdown Podcast **This is an 18+ event, ID is required. Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, fines can incur. Anyone found with and or selling illegal substance will receve a life ban from all South Coast Metalheads events.**