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100 Years Ago - March 24th, 1917

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of March 24th, 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

STATE elections today. Vote as your conscience directs.

DON’T miss seeing Olga Petrova, in What Will People Say? Centennial Hall to-night.

When Willie Went to Sea! A screaming comedy. Centennial Hall to-night.

BURNING FATALITY. – Messrs J. and M. Strahan of Mynora received the sad intelligence on Wednesday that their brother Michael had been burnt to death at Wandandian.

REFRIGERATING CO. – A meeting of the Directors of the Moruya Refrigerating Co. took place at their registered office, River Street, on Monday. Messrs. D. J. O’Brien, H. Waters, H. J. Thompson, T. W. Draper (Managing Director), and about 30 fisherman and trappers were present. The Company expect to open the works on Monday next. It was decided to pay 9d per pair for large and 4d per pair for small rabbits delivered at the works, and 8d and 3d at the depots such as Bodalla, Moruya and Merricumbene. The Company’s carts will pick up and deliver from depots mentioned. It is intimated that all classes of poultry delivered at the works will be purchased at 6d per lb live weight, and 4s per pair will be paid for wild ducks. No price was fixed for fish as it will be governed by the market.

DEATH. – On Saturday last Mr. J. Emmott received the sad intelligence that his brother, Mr. Wm. Emmott, had passed peacefully away that morning at his late home “Broulee,” Chelmsford Street, Roseville, Sydney. The deceased, who had reached the age of 67 years, was the son of the late Mr. Abraham Emmott, and was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. He came out to this state when only a young man and assisted his father in the Beehive store-keeping business here. Since the latter’s death the firm has been a household word under the name of J. & W. Emmott. The late Mr. William was greatly esteemed by his numerous patrons, being of a sterling and upright character, and when it became known that due to ill-health it was necessary for him to retire from business many were the expressions of regret. It is only five months since Mr. and Mrs. Emmott and family went to reside in Sydney.

Above - Emmott's Beehive Store 1892 (now Harris Scarf) . Beagle Readers might enjoy this excellent History of Emmotts - The Evolution of Emmotts by Shirley Jurmann

Deceased leaves a widow and family of five grown-up daughters, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy in the irreparable loss of a devoted husband and an indulgent father. Messrs. John (Moruya), Thomas (Mosman, Sydney), and Mesdames E. Hawdon and W. H. Simpson (Moruya) have also been deprived of a kind and affectionate brother. The remains were interred on Monday in the Methodist portion of the Gore Hill cemetery, Sydney.

MEMORIAL, -- On Sunday evening next, the Rev. J. Walsh will hold a memorial Service in the Methodist Church Moruya for the late Mr. W. Emmott.

CHILDREN OF MARY’S GIFT. – On the evening of Tuesday, 13th inst., a very pleasing ceremony took place in the Moruya Convent School room, when the members of the Society of the Children of Mary presented their beloved priest, Venerable Archdeacon Cassidy, with a cheque for 11 guineas. The recipient feelingly acknowledged the gift. Musical items were rendered during the evening and dainty refreshments partaken of. A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” and “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow.”

BODALLA. – On Friday night last, March 29th, the Bodalla Hall presented quite a gay appearance, the occasion being a social and presentation to Rev. father Cassidy on his departure from the parish of Moruya. Eulogistic speeches referring to Father Cassidy’s many good qualities and charitable acts were delivered by Father Conaghan, Rev. Lewin (C. of E.), Messrs. D. Hutchison, C. Callaghan and P. J. Hogan. Musical items were rendered by the choir – Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs Illingsworth – also recitations by Sisters Hogan and Doreen Bulgaries.

APPOINTMENT. – The Rev. J. McCormack, who has been four years at Bombala, has been appointed to succeed Archdeacon Cassidy here. The Rev. gentleman is expected to arrive next week. The Venerable Archdeacon left on Thursday for Newtown.

Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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