Last weekend saw representatives of the Tuross Fishing Club donating $1002.75 towards the Moruya Surf Club Special Nippers program The money was raised as an initiative of Rachel Kennedy's who suggested that a jar of an unknown quantity of plastic lures be used as a guessing competition that raised the interest of most of the participants of the recent Tuross Head Flathead and Bream event. Mike Hallahan, President of the Moruya Surf Lifesaving club gratefully received the funds saying they will be directed towards the Special Nippers Program in the form of additional sun smart clothing for the kids and volunteers with extra funds being put towards a change table for the Club's accessible toilet / shower facility

The presentation - L to R Bruce and Rachel Kennedy of the THFC, David Greenhalgh, patron of the THFC, Mike Hallahan, president of the MSLC and Jill Greenhalgh, life member of the THFC.