G'day rec fishos. What can I say, Saturday was hot and Sunday was well ....not. The reports from anglers, spearos and charter operators on Saturday painted a picture of insanely great fishing but then the southerly picked up along with the swell and barometer dropped making the conditions difficult to produce a bag of fish for most on Sunday.
The Southern Bream Series round 3 in the Clyde was also in full swing with a lot of the anglers lamenting over the difficulty of getting a solid bag of Bream. There was also several Bream anglers heading to the competition that had a serious car crash but thankfully no one was hurt.
The Rae Kennedy Memorial Fishing Competition is on the16th of April, Easter Sunday. Details for the Rae Kennedy will be released in the next 48 hours.
On with April 2017 monthly results.
Out of the bag; 1. Snapper, 2. Morwong and 3. Luderick
Snapper went to Trevor Brown weighing 2.68 kg Morwong went to Justin Evans weighing 800 grams Luderick, none captured.
Junior Cock of the Walk was awarded to Jacob Beissner with a Tailor weighing 490 grams
Rock, Beach & Estuary Cock of the walk was awarded to Andrew Tinsley with a Bream weighing 720 grams narrowly beating Brigette Bowes's Flathead weighing 717 grams.
Spearfishing Cock of the Walk was awarded to up and coming gun spearo Ben Gordon with a respectable 435.8 points considering the conditions.
The Bluewater Cock of the Walk was awarded to Trevor Brown with his nice Snapper of 2.68kg.
Yes you guessed it the Overall Cock of the walk champion for the anglers was Trevor Brown with that Snapper.
Smashed it Trev!!!!!
I must acknowledge the stellar efforts of our new weigh master Joe Harper who was thrown into the deep end and performed his duties admirably. Soon we will have the ANSA and USFA computer software up and running Joe!
Enjoy the slideshow above
A big thank you to this month's sponsor club member Dave Golden of Dave's fencing. The juniors who braved the elements received some fantastic Compleat Angler beanies for the upcoming colder months.

I must also thank our tackle brethren Anthony Stokman from Compleat Angler Batemans Bay for suggesting the beanies as I could not for the life of me think of what to organize for our juniors this month.
Joining the fishing club is easy, if you are interested just drop me a line on 0418570131. I am always up for a chat about the club or anything to do with rec fishing.
Our next monthly competition will be the 7th of May. I hope to see you there.
Adam Martin President, Tomakin Fishing Club