Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 7 April 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
AUCTION SALE. – Richardson, Wrench and Thomson, will offer the late Mr. E. M. Mort’s property, known as Dalmeny, Bodalla, for sale on the 20th inst.
NEW LORRY. – Mr. H. Waters is negotiating for the purchase of a new Fiat motor lorry to use in place of the six-horse wagon in conveying goods from the steamer’s wharf to Bodalla.
GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. – R. H. Harvison notifies that he will offer for sale on 26th inst., the whole of the household furniture and effects of Mrs. W. H. Simpson who is leaving the district.
ANOTHER HERO GONE. – On Monday evening the Rev. J. A. Walsh received a wire reporting the death of Private Ray C. Bishop, of Eurobodalla. He was killed on July 20th at Armentieres. The deceased was in his 21st year and was a fine specimen of young Australian. The sympathy of the whole district goes out to his widowed mother, in this her second bereavement, through this terrible war.
STAR PICTURES. – These pictures are attracting a well-merited share of public patronage. Mr. Godfrey Handscom now procures the latest films featuring the world’s foremost artists. Very excellent pictures of an educational nature, as well as those with a comic element are also introduced. If the unearthly row made by the small fry who congregate at the back of the hall could be eliminated, the weekly entertainment would be highly enjoyable.

CITIZEN’S ASSOCIATION. – A meeting of the Moruya Parents and Citizen’s Association was held in the Shire Hall on Friday evening last, presided over by the President, Mr. R. L. Dawson. The rules submitted by the Board were adopted subject to the approval of the Department of Public Instruction. It was decided that an honor board to contain the names of all the old boys from the Moruya Public School who have gone to the war should be erected and placed in the school. It was resolved that we join the Council of Association and that we send three delegates, Mr. R. L. Dawson, Mr. H. Parbury and Mr. R. H. Harvison to the meeting this year. The meeting also decided to bring before the Department of Public Instruction the urgent need of alterations and repairs at the Moruya Public School.
OUR BOYS. – We are in receipt of post cards of views of Durban and Cape Town from Pte. P. Knight. Our young brave who has been in hospital through an attack of bronchitis after landing in England, gives some interesting notes of his voyage. He also sent his parents a splendidly written diary written on board the troopship.
WEDDING. – At St. John’s Church, Moruya, on Tuesday, a quiet wedding was celebrated by the Rev. Lewin of Bodalla, when Mr. Walter, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Doyle of North Sydney, and Miss Elsie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron, of Garlandtown, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The dainty bride, who entered the Church on the arm of her father, was attired in a coat frock of nattier blue rockama, trimmed with cream katona, a white moire and a black panne velvet hat, trimmed with velvet fruit. She also wore a gold wristlet watch (gift of the bridegroom, the bride’s gift to the bridegroom being a gold-mounted fountain pen), and carried an ivory prayer book. Miss Florence Thomson attended as bridesmaid, and wore a cream serge coat frock with satin hat trimmed with autumn leaves and crab-apple. Mr. J. Corbett officiated as best man. Mrs. C. Cheesman presided at the organ and sang “The Voice that Breathed O’er Eden” as the register was being signed. The happy young couple afterwards left, per Weatherby’s special motor, amongst showers of confetti and good wishes for Sydney and Melbourne, - where the honeymoon will be spent.
Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (