Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 21 April 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
The Squashed Kaiser, War Cartoon. Star Pictures TO-NIGHT.
SKATING. – The skating season has commenced here, Mr. Godfrey Hanscom having opened his rink in the Centennial Hall.
MEDICA. – Dr. Michael Oswald Stormon, son of Mr. M. Storman and nephew of Mrs. John Johnson of Eurobodalla has been appointed resident Medical Officer in the Sydney Hospital, Macquarie St.
ANZAC DAY. – There will be no procession in Sydney on Anzac Day, 25th inst., as was first mooted. There will be services in the various churches at 12 o’clock, a recruiting rally at Martin Place at 1 o’clock, a military memorial service at 4 o’clock and an Anzac memorial concert at night.
UNITED SERVICE. – A United memorial and thanksgiving service for Australian Soldiers will take place in the Mechanics’ Hall on 25th inst., (Anzac Day).
DISEASED OYSTERS. – A proclamation appears in the Government Gazette of 13th inst. Prohibiting the taking of oysters from the leased areas at Tuross Lake, as specified in the schedule in the same issue, for the period of one year from 1st Jan., 1917, on the ground that the oysters thereon are not, in consequence of worm disease, fit for human consumption.
MOTOR LORRY. – The motor lorry which we reported in the last issue as having been purchased by Mr. H. Waters, arrived here on Tuesday. The lorry left Sydney at noon on Monday reaching Nowra at 10 p.m. It left Nowra at 7 a.m. the following morning arriving at Moruya at 5.30 p.m., the actual travelling time from Sydney being 16 hours.

The conveyance is a “Fiat” of 35 h.p. with a weight carrying power of four tons, and a speed of 15 miles an hour, the cost of the same being a little over £1000. Mr. Waters intends using the lorry in connection with the refrigeration works as well as carrying the Bodalla goods. Our enterprising townsman should also do a good business on holidays conveying picnic parties to the various pleasure resorts.
SERVICE CAR. – Mr. G. Harrison informs us that he is putting on the Moruya- Nowra line a 1917 model Cadillac licensed to carry 12 passengers. Travellers will be delighted to hear that this new liner will be in charge of that capable and reliable driver, Mr. Les Reeves.
CAR BURNT. – On Friday of last week Mr. G. Harrison had the misfortune to have one of his mail cars burnt out whilst on its way from Milton to Moruya, the accident occurring near Wattle Creek, between Bateman’s Bay and Mogo. The driver rescued the mail bag undamaged. The car was uninsured.
NEW CAR. – Our Shire Engineer, Mr. R. L. Dawson, who has been on a visit to the Metropolis, returned home last week end with a pretty little one-seater Chevrolet motor car. The ratepayers will, no doubt, be pleased to hear this news, as our expert engineer will now be able to more expeditiously supervise the roads and the many works applied throughout the Shire. It has always been our contention that ministers, doctors and anyone having long distances to travel should be supplied with a motor car, as time-saving is the established system of this swift-going age.
PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. – Mr H. Waters is making arrangements to convey fish from Narooma and Bateman’s Bay by his motor lorry to the freezing works here.
EGG LAYING. – Congratulations to our leading white Leghorn poultry breeder, Mr. L. Graham, of Ninderra, who has gained a silver cup as 2nd prize in the Hawkesbury egg-laying competition for the most eggs laid for a period of two years. His pen of six hens during that time laid 2558, without the loss of a bird. As showing the healthy condition of Mr. Graham’s fowls, we might state that the winner of first prize had to replace two birds.
Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (