The NSW Government is urging grassroots organisations to hold local events during NAIDOC Week 2017 by providing a total of $200,000 in grants to help celebrate the history, culture and accomplishments of Aboriginal people. NAIDOC, which stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, is held nationally each year in the first full week of July. The national theme this year is ‘Our Languages Matter’, highlighting the importance of growing and sharing Aboriginal languages. NSW is linguistically diverse with over 35 Aboriginal languages - all currently critically endangered. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Sarah Mitchell said NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all in NSW to get together and celebrate the unique place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our communities. “This year NSW will become the first state in the nation to introduce legislation to recognise and protect Aboriginal languages, as well as establishing a Centre for Aboriginal Languages of NSW to support community-led revival efforts,” Mrs Mitchell said. “I encourage local organisations right across the state to apply for grant funding to host events during this NAIDOC week that celebrate the important place Aboriginal people play in our communities.” Grant applications totalling $200,000, are open through to Thursday 27 April. Not-for-profit community groups are encouraged to apply via NAIDOC, which stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, is held nationally each year in the first full week of July. This year NAIDOC will run from 2 – 9 July Media Release