South East Arts are bringing comedians Mandy Nolan and Ellen Briggs to Moruya Golf Club on 4 May to deliver two hours of rapid fire, sharp, honest, sometimes self deprecating, somewhat irreverent stand up comedy for audiences who love their humour straight from the lip.
They are in demand on the comedy and festival circuits and adored for their ability to find the humour in everyday experiences. Mandy and Ellen are from the country and they aren't afraid to let it all hang out. They believe it's their regionality that gives them their connection with country audiences.
"This is a terribly funny show. For regional audiences it really is an hilarious slice of reality and we are really excited to be bringing Women Like Us to the Far South Coast," says South East Arts' general manager, Andrew Gray.
Mr Gray also points out that menfolk are welcome too, "This is a show that resonates with everyone. You can't NOT laugh!" he says.
Nolan explains - "We both live in Mullumbimby in Northern NSW - our life experiences seem to parallel the audiences that we talk to - we're not young inner city groovers. We're 40 something mothers of teenagers, we're wives, and ex wives!"
"Ellen can wrangle a snake and operate a ride on mower in the afternoon, and by evening she dons heels and a frock and then she's MCing a charity ball. We're small town showgirls. And boy do we have fun on stage!" she says. There are very few sacred cows that Briggs and Nolan shy away from. With seven children between them, parenting and their own reoccurring instances that they call 'failure to parent' are certainly the focus of some of their material. The beauty industry, getting older, getting fatter, strange surgeries, weird TV shows, obsessions, frustrations, and at the end of the day, who unpacks the flipping dishwasher all get a stab as well. The two friends have teamed up to bring two hours of stand up to communities they believe would love a dose of Women Like Us.
"We're not rarefied trophy wives," says Nolan. "We are the kind of women who know how to put up our own shelves! We just don’t dust them." Tickets are $25 and are now available at at for Moruya on 4 May