Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 5 May 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:
WOUNDED. – Pte. Fred Brice, son of Mrs Brice and the late F. W. Brice of Wagonga, has been wounded whilst in active service in France.
LAND SALE. – H. J. Thomson announced that he will offer allotments at Deua River and Mynora for sale on Wednesday 16th inst. same time and place as M. McMahon’s sale.
MOTOR SERVICE. – As will be seen by advertisement in this issue Mr. A. H. Weatherby is now running in conjunction with Lawless and Manns, and is placing his fast and reliable Buicks on the Moruya-Bega line as well as Nowra.
TELEPHONIC. – The Secy P.M.G. Dept. advises Hon. Austin Chapman as follows: - With reference to your communication of the 24th ultimo in which you inquired as to how the matter of the construction of the telephone line between Nowra and Eden stands. I am directed by the P.M.G. in Sydney to inform you that approval has been given for the erection of the line in question to be proceeded with and the Deputy P.M.G. Sydney is being advised accordingly.
FEDERAL ELECTIONS. – Voting for the Federal Parliament – House of Representatives and Senate – will take place today (Saturday) from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. For Eden-Monaro Mr. Austin Chapman stands for the National Party and Mr. John Bailey for the Labor Party, and for the Senate Messrs. Millen, Pratten and Thomas are the Nationalist three, whilst Messrs. Peter Bowling, Arthur Rae and David Watson are the trio being run by the Laborites. Again we would urge the electors to record their votes as their conscience dictates. R. H. Harvison, “Examiner,” Moruya.
DEATH.—On Monday of last week Mr. D. Hutchison brought, Mr. Jack Mundy, (who has been living at Bodalla), into the local Hospital, suffering from bronchitis and asthma. Despite medical attention and careful nursing the patient passed away on Friday at the age of 60 years. Mr. Mundy, who was a quiet inoffensive man, was at one time the owner of many good thoroughbreds, amongst them being the noted stud horse, First Demon. Deceased leaves a mother and brother, who is a solicitor in New Zealand. The remains were interred in the C.E. portion of the Moruya cemetery, Rev Lewin of Bodalla officiating.
X-RAYS IN MORUYA. – Mr. C. R. Brown, the well-known Melbourne x-ray and herbal specialist, is at present in Moruya and intends spending a few weeks here and paying visits every quarter. He is prepared to take a limited number of long standing or apparently serious cases and treat them absolutely free to show that he can cure with herbs where drugs and operations have failed. His rooms are next to the “Examiner” office.
ANGLICAN. – The Rev. R. R. McCartney-Noake, with his wife and young son, has arrived and taken charge of the C.E. Parish here. If first impressions are correct we believe that the reverend gentleman will be a worthy successor of the Rev. A. G. Rix.
RAINFALL. – Rain has fallen during the week almost without cessation, the fall recorded being as follows:- Wednesday 35 points, Thursday 132 points, Friday, 140 points.
ROLL OF HONOR. – Stapleton. – Killed in action 2nd April, James Eden, third dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Stapleton, Quaama, 26 years. R.I.P. Bega and Cobargo papers please copy.
BATEMAN’S BAY NEWS. Our Correspondent writes: The Committee of the Honor Stone memorial held a meeting on Saturday last. It was decided to accept the tender of Mr. H. Hancock to erect same. The obelisk is to stand on a concrete base rising by three steps. A discussion arose about the inscription of the names. At the initial public meeting it was decided to make it a district stone, including Nelligen. As Nelligen has started a fund for a similar object it was thought by some that it would not be necessary to include volunteers from that place. Before taking definite action the committee thought it wise to call another meeting of the public on Saturday 12th, when the matter will be decided.

Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (