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Meanwhile the heads remain in the sand

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle



Under whose control is the Hunfest arms fair, that blights Eurododalla’s ‘Unspoilt’ south coast in Narooma each year?

Is it the South Coast Hunters Club (SCHC) or the Sporting Shooters Association Australia (SSAA)?

The Huntfest website advertises it as SSAA NSW HUNTFEST, and merely an “initiative” of SCHC.

SSAA have acquired the naming rights, but what other ‘rights’ does this confer upon them?

Where do the profits from the event go?

Dan Field, president of SCHC, has ensured that donations made to any local community group receive coverage in local newspapers. But what happens to the rest?

Both the SCHC and SSAA are Incorporated Associations, and as such, any profits must go towards their stated ‘purpose’ rather than members.

From their website, the SCHC “mission” (I presume ‘purpose’) is: “to further conservation hunting in rural NSW.” One could question the use of ‘conservation’, but I presume this means that SCHC advocates for increasing hunting areas in NSW, and promoting the ‘sport’ of hunting to others.

The SSAA’s purpose (from their website) is: “to promote shooting sports and protect firearm owners’ interests in Australia.”

I wonder if attendees of SSAA NSW HUNTFEST realise what their monetary support may be paying for:

*promotion and encouragement of firearm ownership and hunting in Australia

*campaigns to increase hunting areas

*encouragement and promotion of firearm ownership and hunting by children

*campaigns against any restrictions on firearm ownership or use

*SSAA employment of professional lobbyist to campaign against any proposed government restrictions.(SSAA website)

*promotion of overseas safari/trophy hunting of native animals (some endangered)

*campaigns to strengthen gun lobby ambitions in Australia

To advertise Huntfest as evolving into “a complete outdoor show” is downright deceitful. Its “primary focus is hunting” (Dan Field, Narooma News 19 April 2017) and yet no information regarding gun and weapon dealers, safari hunting promotions, hunting paraphernalia, gun and archery simulators, butchery etc. are advertised in local media.

Responsibility for Huntfest’s mutation into an Arms Fair/weapon promotion/hunting expo/SSAA event, lies solely with our council. Their numerous amendment approvals disregarded local community opposition and have brought council procedures into question. Even the 3 re-elected councillors must realise their folly, if not naivety, by now.

So who now has control of the event – the local SCHC or the NSW SSAA?

And whose ideologies/purposes are Huntfest attendees supporting? Patricia Gardiner

When your head is in the sand your arse is exposed - old Swahili saying

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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