The first round of the 54 hole Tuross Head Country Club men's golf club championship was held on Saturday with the final rounds to be completed on Saturday and Sunday May 20th and 21st.
Leigh Coloe led the field in a strong A grade division with a score of 67 net after a round of 69 off the stick. He was also the winner of the putting competition with 24 putts.
Ken Brown filled second position with 70 net.
B grade was won by Mitchell Smith with a very low net 64 score followed by Ken Dukes with 68.
Terry Milliken was the best in C division with a card of 67 net and Steve Johnston was placed second with 68.
Nearest the pins results were:
A grade golfer B.Taylor won on the 4th with 3.1 m.
T. Watson on the 6th was the best with a close 83 cm and he also
won the 7th hole with 5.48m.
B grade golfer M.Booth was awarded the 4th hole with 3.27 m.
H. Muriwai was closest on the 6th 2.75 m and
R.Rogers was best on the 7th with 2.22 m.
C grade player N.Richards won the 4th hole with a ball on the edge of the hole at 3 cm.
P.McRae was best on the 6th with 5.56 m and
S.Crossling won the 7th with 2.14m.
Thursday 18 hole medley stableford competition was won by Al Gannon with 36 points ahead of Terry Milliken 35, Davis Shmid 35 and Peter Mostyn 34.
Nearest the pins went to Al Gannon on the 4th with 3.40 m.
Steve O'Shea was best on the 6th 1.18 m and
Col Houghton won the 7th with 9.50 m.

Above: Tuross Head Country Club's A grade winner Leigh Coloe with presenter Graeme Bell

​Above: Tuross Head A grade runner up golfer Ken Brown