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Token respect within token documents

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

The opening statement by Council in its Draft Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2017-18 is as follows - 'Eurobodalla Shire Council acknowledges that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants and custodians of all land and water in the Eurobodalla Shire, and RESPECTS their continued cultural and spiritual connection to it.' This statement is hypocritical to say the least. The Aboriginal people are opposed to the sale of guns and the promotion of a gun culture on 'their' land each year at HuntFest on the June long weekend. The Aboriginal people are opposed to 'the chasing of animals with the intention of catching or killing them, usually for sport and for recreational reasons'. If Council truly 'respects' the Aboriginal people's continued cultural and spiritual connection to 'their land as custodians’, then it must reverse its decision to grant a further five year licence to HuntFest.

To not do so, would show a total disregard to the Aboriginal people's continued cultural and spiritual connection to the land.

You further show disrespect to the Aboriginal people by having a photo of Aboriginal Elder and Community Representative Reverend Tom Slockee’s son on the front page of the draft program in an attempt to show support for the Aboriginal culture, when clearly, by your actions, you do not.

Yours sincerely Coral Anderson Editors Note: One thing that has not been given due publicity is the fact that the Aboriginal community led by Reverend Tom Slockee opposes the sale and promotion of firearms on the land of the traditional owners (caretakers). It is understood that somewhere in the Crown Lands Act there is mention of the fact that Aboriginal people’s input must be considered where the granting of licences on crown land is given. In the case of HuntFest, the Aboriginal people’s input was not considered and this, to many, is an important component of the whole issue that needs to be brought out into the open. Just to refresh the so called ex-mayor and member for Narooma's memory (being as he is lothe to dwell in history and only wishes to move on) the presentation by Reverend Tom Slockee on behalf of the Aboriginal Community. Readers will note that he says he consulted with the community before putting his case forward.

Tom Slockee Aboriginal Elder Batemans Bay NSW

21 March 2016

Re; Agenda item no FBD16/012 (22nd March 2016) - License for Use of Crown Reserve - Narooma.

"I wish to nominate Coral Anderson to deliver my address by way of proxy as I am unable to attend the meeting personally. Alternatively, if Coral Anderson is unable to deliver such address, then it is to be delivered by a person nominated by Coral Anderson on my behalf.

I write this letter of support for the Animal Justice Party and their application to run a festival in Narooma. We hope our contribution will influence any decision to be made by Eurobodalla Shire Council.

I have spoken to several Aboriginal Elders and community people and there is agreement in our support for the Animal Justice Party. Also we have issues against the proposed HuntFest in Narooma.

As Aboriginal People we are opposed generally to guns and the gun culture.

Aboriginal People traditional are hunters and gatherers. Our survival and sustainability depended on our knowledge and ability of the land, the plants, the animals and shellfish and mammals and seafood to provide for our families from the environment in which we lived. We lived in harmony and had an affiliation with the land and all living things.

The gun changed everything for us. Maybe this story will give you a understanding of why many Aboriginal people oppose guns and the gun culture.

In about 1800 the government instructions were to fire at Aboriginal peoples until they were far away from British settlements. In 1816, Governor Macquarie announced that if any Indigenous peoples approached British settlements or were unwilling to leave British properties, then the settlers could drive them away with the use of firearms. Similar encouragement by the government was given in Tasmania and Western Australia and in most other areas of Australia.

Our Aboriginal peoples generally resisted the settlement of their land, but we had little resistance against the guns of the British settlers.

Our Aboriginal warrior, Pemulwuy, led the Aboriginal resistance around Sydney Harbour from 1790 to 1802 and was feared by many British settlers not because he had guns but because of his knowledge and use of terrain and his bushcraft. Like many other Aboriginal people using traditional tools such as spears, boomerangs, stone axes, bush rope, nula nulas and things like fire and bush shelters.

On 1 May 1801 Governor King gave orders to drive back 'hordes of natives' around Parramatta, the Georges River and Prospect Hill by gunfire. In November, troops were sent to Mill Creek on the Georges River and King offered rewards including free pardons for convicts and 20 gallons of spirits for their capture and that of Pemulwuy who was wanted 'dead or alive'. On 2 June 1802, Pemulwuy was shot dead and decapitated.

Aboriginal peoples depended on the land for their survival. Land is not just the ground but it is wholistic including all living things.

We lived in clan - family groups within an agreed area and lived and survived by respecting and honouring Country. Law and ceremony and the passing on of knowledge and wisdom were highly regarded. Sacred places were holy and revered. We sustained ourselves by fishing, hunting, and gathering. We used what Country provided seafood, animals, plants, and using other resources that the land had to offer for tools and shelter.

A lot of our people are semi-nomadic, meaning they moved around within the territory to sustain and survive. The land provided food and resources and medicine. The local Walbunja People were a warrior people who cared for and protected the Land and they used spears and rocks but were soon overpowered by people with guns In the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study Public Report, it says "The Police use to chase Aboriginal people with guns, as a sport; the Aboriginal people being chased knew where the old walking tracks were over Gulaga and took refuge there. So you can see we are not in favor of guns or a gun culture that give acquiescence to kill.

Whilst we understand that the people behind HuntFest are about hunting feral animals we are against the chasing of animals with the intention of catching or killing them, usually for sport and for recreational reasons.

We are supporting of Animal Justice Party in their proposal to the Eurobodalla Shire Council.

Tom Slockee (Aboriginal Elder and Community Leader)

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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