Moruya FILM Group presents TANNA 27th May

IN CONJUNCTION WITH RIVER OF ART 7.00 pm Refreshments for 7.30 pm Screening Australian/Vanuatuan 2016 100 mins Directors: Martin Butler, Bentley Dean Writers: Martin Butler, John Collee Stars: Kapan Cook, Mungau Dain, Charlie Kahla Set on the remote Pacific island of Vanuatu, covered in rain forest and dominated by an active volcano, this heartfelt story enacted by the Yakel tribe tells of a sister’s loyalty, a forbidden love affair and the pact between the old ways and the new.– Written by JC New members always welcome! – see the Moruya FILM Group Membership page. Moruya FILM Group holds regular monthly program of films screened at The Performing Arts Centre,St Marys Primary School,Queen Street, MORUYA