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Rate Payer money wasted - GM please explain

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Dear Beagle Editor,


Below is a letter sent to General Manager regarding expenditure of $46,000 pa of ratepayer money – and for what?

To tell us that ESC Customer Service staff are doing a great job? We already know that. They’ve been doing so for years.

Perhaps if it was spent on rating ESC senior staff, who have difficulty in answering difficult questions, rather than ‘general enquiries,’ the money would have been well spent.

It is in the interests of the company, Customer Service Benchmarking Australia(CSBA), to give their participating councils ‘a pat on the head’ from time to time, to ensure their continued financial contributions to their ‘Mystery Shopper Program’.

It is a waste of our money.

When will it stop?

General Manager,

After reading articles in the local media regarding Council’s ranking in the Mystery Shopper Program, I am shocked at the deceptive nature of the articles due to inadequate provision of all relevant facts to the media.

As there are only 60 council’s employing CSBA out of about 540 in Australia, one could hardly call council’s rating as a “national achievement.” I also wonder if all 60 of those council’s participated in the latest program.

I also find the expenditure of $48,000 pa ($127,000 since 2014) a total waste of ratepayer money.

As a resident for over 30 years, I have always found customer service staff friendly, courteous and helpful – At no time could I fault their conduct, attitude or proficiency.

Surely if council found their service “patchy,” it could be dealt with by council itself.

And why not simply ask ratepayers about their experiences with customer service staff, rather than CSBA’s use of‘mystery shoppers’?

It is in CSBA’s interests to commend each of their participating councils once in a while, so as to ensure their continued participation and financial support. It is simply a money making venture for them, but a waste of ratepayer money to Eurobodalla residents.

I would like to know:

1. Did (the then)councillors approve this expenditure in 2014?

2. If they did not, then who did approve it?

3. Did the contract go out to tender?

4. On what date was this expenditure approved?

5. Do present councillors have a say as to whether this expenditure is to continue?

Patricia Gardiner

Deua River Valley

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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