It was amazing that despite receiving falls of rain of up to 150 mm in the previous two days the Tuross Head Country Club was able to complete their men's golf championships last Sunday following Saturday's cancellation
Recent extensive drainage work by the ground staff even enabled golfers to use golf carts on the course.
Aaron Monopoli emerged as the club champion with a scratch score of 144 strokes in the reduced 36 hole event with Leigh Coloe closely following with 146.
The overall net winner, which is awarded to the lowest handicap score covering the A, B and C divisions, was Terry Milliken.
B grade scratch winner was Greg Smith with 173 strokes.
Steve Johnston was the winner of the C grade division.
The winners of the net handicap grades were:
Ken Brown won the A grade division with a score of 145 net.
Mitchell Smith won B grade with 139 net and
Ross Hendy was the best of the C grade players with a score of 149 net.
The results of the final 18 hole stroke event held on Sunday and sponsored by Ken Brown were:
A grade: Aaron Monopoli won with 68 net with Ben Hewison second with 71.
B grade: Greg Smith was first with 70 net relegating Richard Kelly to second spot on a countback.
C grade: Terry Milliken's score of 70 net forced Steve Johnston into second placing also on a countback.
Nearest the pins were awarded to:
A grade;
Ben Hewison was closest on the 4th hole with 1.31 m.
Reg Apps won the 6th with 1.00 m and
Ian Wark was best on the 7th hole with 13.3 m.
B grade:
Ian Miller was awarded the 4th with a shot of 5.17 m.
Wayne Fullerton won the 6th with 2.06 m and
Trevor Jones the 7th with 18.6 m.
C grade:
Terry Milliken was the best on the 4th with 4.91 m and
Steve Johnston won the 6th with3.47 m.
Next Saturday's event will be a single stableford.

Above: Club Champion Aaron Monopoli is presented with the winning shield by vice captain David Schmid

​Above: THCC championship runner up Leigh Coloe ​

Above: THCC B grade scratch winner Greg Smith

​Above: Steve Johnston receives his winners C grade prize from David Schmid Photos Tony Brown