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100 Years Ago - June 2nd 1917

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 2 June 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

A FEW choice Indian Game cockerels and pullets advertised for sale in this issue.

THE world renowned actress Madame Olga Petrova in, Playing With Fire, Star Pictures, TO-NIGHT.

THE war has brought many surprises, but nothing more wonderful than the introduction in the House of Commons of the Electoral Reform Bill, which extends the franchise to women. Women farm-workers, women taxi-drivers, female John Dunns! Soon man will lag superfluous on the stage. Can it be that this great world war is nature’s way of getting rid of the no longer useful sex. – “Truth.”

WOUNDED. – Mrs. H. J. Thomson has received word from the Base Records Office that her son, Pte. Arthur Thomson had been wounded at the front. Let us hope that this brave young soldier’s wounds are not of a serious nature and that we will have the pleasure of seeing him home and congratulating him when the war is over.

MANNING. – In loving memory of my dear husband, Will, and my dear dads, who died of heat on his way to the front, June 2nd, 1915, aged 25 years and 7 months.


Private Harold Ringland, a native of Bermagui, was killed in action in France on May 4th.

Pvt. Jack Sheehan, son of the late Mr. T. Sheehan, of Gundary, has been killed in action in France.

Private Clem Lee, son of the late Mr. J. M. Lee, late Postmaster, Moruya, has been wounded at the Western Front.

Mrs. R. Somerset has received word that her brother who was on active service, is in hospital through a complete break down. The doctor said he should have been out of the line months before. On the eve of the attack on Bapaume he collapsed. He had been fifteen months under heavy fire and become quite deaf.

Private O. L. Harrison, of the Forestry Department, who was wounded in France, in the thigh, is nor progressing well in hospital, in England. Private Harrison’s wound healed up but he told the hospital nurses that there was still something wrong in his leg. One day he was helped out of bed, as he asked to be allowed to try and stand up, and when he put his foot to the floor the wound burst open. Investigation showed that there was a splinter of bone and two small pieces of shrapnel in the leg.

FAST MOTORING. – On Saturday evening last at 9 o’clock Mr. Batty Moran left Carden’s Royal Hotel, Moruya, with a passenger who had been called to Sydney to an urgent case of sickness. He arrived at his destination in Sydney at 9 a.m. next morning, and after spending the day in the Big Smoke, left the same evening and arrived in Moruya at three the following morning. The journey was accomplished in the driver’s “Reo” car. On the same Saturday at 7 p.m., Chauffeur Clive Sharp left Moruya in one of Mr. Weatherby’s Buick cars to meet the train at Bomaderry. He arrived there doing the night’s journey in 5 hours, arrived back in Moruya the same morning with a lady passenger and child in 7 hours.

SAD DEATH. – On Friday last the many friends of Mrs. Corbett were shocked to hear that her daughter Norah had passed from this world to her home in the realms above at the age of 34 years. Miss Norah, who was of a bright and cheerful disposition, only took ill the week previous complaining first of a sore throat, and as the tonsils became very swollen and inflamed, medical aid was sought. However, despite all the loving care and devotion bestowed on her, a cherished sister and daughter was taken to her eternal reward. The funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon, was one of the largest and most impressive ever seen in the district. The hearse was preceded by the Convent School children attired in white with wreaths and veils. Then followed the lengthy cortege, which included fifty nine vehicles as well as horsemen and pedestrians.

Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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