The August winds were at their strongest for this evening’s run. This kept the numbers down to 33. Personal best times were recorded by Makayla Wade in the 3.5 kilometres and Harrison Gillighan and Mary Anderson in the 5 kilometres.
Special mention goes to Sunni West, who following on from his personal best times over consecutive weeks in the 2 and 3.5 kilometres tackled the 5 kilometres and recorded an excellent time of 28.52.
There is strong competition in the 5 kilometres as runners prepare for the Moruya Town to Surf, which will be held on 10 September. This is evident by the strong showing by Mary Anderson and Julie Wilkes.
Above: the competitors getting ready to take on the strong wind in tonight's event.
2 Kilometres
Leila Patyus 8.58 Bruce Dickinson 10.49 Jill Brown 10.55 Amber Domeny 11.58 Erin Domeny 13.58 Declan McPherson 15.45 Patrick Wade 15.46 Rachael Wade 18.39 David West 20.29 Liz Pirro 21.05 Jo Pirro 21.06 Nina McPherson 25.49 Joan McPherson 26.59 Julien Dunne 27.44 Sabrina Mallard 27.45
3.5 Kilometres
Emma Patyus 16.56 Vaughn Gilligan 19.21 Julianne Domeny 19.58 Damia O’Loughlin 25.42 Makayla Wade 30.09 Kathryn Jeffery 30.10
5 Kilometres
Daniel Beby 18.02 Harrison Gilligan 20.59 Dylan Van Der Meulen 21.09 Morgan Pettit 24.03 Adrian Connor 24.18 Dave Connaughton 24.19 Nev Madden 25.38 Andrew McPherson 25.50 Mary Anderson 26.07 Julie Wilkes 26.46 Brock Gilligan 27.09 Sunni West 28.52
33 Starters