Dear Beagle Editor,
Today I was returning to Tuross after a two hour meeting with Road and Maritime Services (RMS) after thrashing out significant issues relating to the proposed new road bridge for Batemans Bay. Issues related to fish protection/habitat, boat ramp/facilities and protecting the great Mulloway that visit our Clyde River were high on the agenda.
On reaching Hector McWilliam I was confronted with a little fellow crossing the road near out village business sign- I immediately slowed down and put my emergency flashers on to warn other motorist to apply caution and slow down as something was on the road.
I was disappointed to see that no body slowed down and continued to pass at high speed! - About 100m on I saw a dead kangaroo! Another has been recently killed near the golf links - please be careful they are one of the reasons we live in Tuross! Without them we may as well be living in a capital city! SLOW DOWN!
Max Castle - Tuross Head Recreational Fisher and Conservationist

Above: "bloody hell that was close! - I'm only looking for a mate!"