MOGO ZOOm and Nature of Photography Digital technology has brought a whole new dimension to photography by way of total involvement: image capture, image processing and image output, and you don't have to be a professional photographer to reach this level. Via MOGO ZOOm June Andersen, of Nature of Photography, teaches the skills required to successfully photograph the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Acquiring these skills will put pleasure and reward into your photography by removing the frustration of not knowing how to capture the images you desire. Spring is the start of the new season for MOGO ZOOm The dates are: 16/17 Sept 21/22 Oct - Advanced 18/19 Nov 9/10 Dec - Advanced Places fill fast. You can email or call 0488988044 to make a booking.
Above: photos taken by June Andersen (who runs the courses). You can follow ‘MOGO ZOOm and Nature of Photography’ on Facebook here