Dear Beagle Editor, Over a month has past since ANZAC DAY but I would like to personally thank the rowing crew that attended the Tuross Head Dawn Service. The role the dawn surf boat plays in the Anzac Day Service at Tuross Head this year moves everyone who watches on as they bring their boat into the shaft of dawn sunlight across the ocean and raise their oars in salute. There is no mention of the row boat crew on the program, nor I have been able to find mention of them in the Thank-yous. Asking around , I have heard that they were from Broulee and that they were a young all girl crew who would have been up at four oclock on a very cool morning on the water. It is understood that, with no easy access, they carry their boat and accessories up and down the stairs at the Tuross Main Beach Well I say THANK YOU Name and address supplied

Above: The Surf Boat crew on ANZAC Day at Tuross Head - Photo by Oceanview Photography