Tuross Head Country Club men's golf held a 18 hole par competition on Saturday and the run away winner of the event was Chris Cox with a card of plus 8.
This placed Chris well in front of the next closest player Steven O'Shea who returned a score of plus 1.
Stephen Crossling and Stephen Swanbury also handed in cards of plus 1 with Dave Bray following with a squared round.
Nearest the pin winners were:
A grade player Tony Russell was closest on the 4th hole with 4.01 m.
Dave Bray won the 6th with 2.03 m and
Adam Husband was best on the 7th with 2.33 m.
B grade golfer Steve Swanbury was awarded the 4th hole with a close 1.3 m.
Ian Martin won the 6th with 3.03 m and
Kevin Dukes the 7th with 3.67 m.
C grader Graeme Bell won the 4th with 3.8 m.
Darren Wilmouth the 6th with 2.00 m and
Ross Hendy was best on the 7th with 11.04 m.
The Thursday medley stableford competition was won by Steve Swanbury with 39 points from Al Gannon on a countback.
Bruce Martin 37 and Paul Israel 36 filled the remaining award positions.

Tuross Head par winner Chris Cox with event sponsor John Phyland. Photo: Case Hengst

The Tuross Head men's par event featuring standout winner Chris Cox Photo: Case Hengst