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Tuross - have a good read of this because it affects YOU.

Writer: The BeagleThe Beagle

Council endorsed the draft Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2017 for public exhibition at the Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 September 2017.

The draft Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2017 will be on exhibition until midnight Tuesday 24 October 2017 at which time submissions will close.

All submissions from the community will be reported to Council for consideration before the adoption of the final Strategy.

You can download a copy of the draft Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2017 below and copies are available at Council’s customer service centre at Moruya and at the Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma libraries. There is a 95 page document you can download here that looks at Tuross Head "But it is all Council bullsh*t and I don't want to read 95 pages of bureaucratic Double Speak." I hear you cry. Let's start with their Overview which is interesting

Here is in my summary of what I saw as important. Apologies that it is still a BIG read but then I had to read over 95 pages to make your task easier. I have cut out some graphics for you though to make it easier. Basically Eurobodalla Shire Council wants to review its 2010 Recreation and Open Space Strategy (The ROSS) to check its “currency with recent trends reflecting changing community needs and demographics” They claim the ROSS has been developed giving thought to what they know of local people’s preferences and Council’s (and the community’s) capacity to deliver the infrastructure.They say the strategy is based on an audit and assessment and key identified issues having talked with lots of people to identify community demand. We learn that Council received 419 community surveys. Two thirds of the total respondents were females, while 75% of respondents were aged over forty. No idea how many of those were from Tuross. What to be aware of: C9 - Where the self-management and self-funding model for tennis clubs does not result in increased rates of usage and facility upgrades, investigate rationalising the facility. The last time they ventured down this line of thought they moved to close down two of four Tuross Tennis courts and after being told to well and truely get stuffed they backed off. The Tennis Club needs to watch this and maybe put in a submission reminding Council who built the tennis courts and tennis shed. did they learn though? NO. Here they go again... Where the self-management and self-funding model for tennis clubs does not result in increased rates of usage and facility upgrades, investigate rationalising the facility C3 - Council to develop a minimum standard of ancillary facility provision. Items for consideration include player and officials dugouts/benches, spectator seating and mounds and opportunities for cover from the elements. This is good news for Kyla Oval and needs the THPA to write a submission that supports this. Council writes: Wheeled action sport precincts Wheeled action sport precinct (WASP) is the modern term for ‘skateparks’. It more accurately reflects the fact that skateboards are generally a more infrequent use of the facility behind scooters and bmx.As noted throughout the Strategy, lack of activities for youth is a concern. WASPs are considered quality facilities to develop for youth - they are hard-wearing and require limited maintenance. Additionally, they not only provide an activity space for users but also an area for youth to socialise (particularly when suitable ancillary facilities such as covered seating, bubblers and power are provided). The need for a WASP in Tuross Head was identified in the 2010 Strategy and survey results identified in this 2017 Strategy reflect this ongoing demand. With Council overseeing youth programs such as the Skate, scooter and BMX Tri-series, these new facilities will be well-received by both users and event organisers. N4-N5 - Continue to develop (and to upgrade) wheeled action sport precincts across Eurobodalla. Identified priorities include the development of a small facility in Tuross Head (likely in Evans Road Reserve) Interestingly, the Tuross Head community also value open space being close to home. This is further highlighted by a high proportion of respondents accessing open space by walking. Additionally, few are prepared to drive more than 15 minutes to attend sport or recreation facilities. The two most frequent barriers identified were poor maintenance and lack of toilets. Land for recreation open space Tuross Head has an appropriate overall supply of recreation open space to meet current and future (2036) demand. However, further interrogation of these results highlights an over-supply of local recreation parks yet an under-supply of district-level recreation parks. (NOTE:This rings alarm bells as Council used this very argument to justify selling the reserve (underutilised) on the corner of Beach and Tuross Boulevarde). Note also that this over-supply statement from Council includes Kyla Grazing Lots which they want. Tuross is going to have to watch Council very carefully when the time approaches to renew that lease. It is suggested that one of the existing local-level facilities be upgraded to district-level.1. Evans Road Reserve This popular park includes a modern amenities block, quality play and uncovered picnic tables. The park provides access to the foreshore area and is located adjoining the shopping area. Given each of these factors, this Reserve is ideally situated to be upgraded to a district-level recreation park. Proposed future embellishment includes covered shelters and barbecues, wheeled action sports precinct and formal path links. NOTE: Hang on a minute. For nearly two decades the Tuross Head community have asked Council WHERE it can have a skatepark and WHAT it can have. Two years ago Council promised a public meeting where they would consult. THEY NEVER DID and now they have announced a skatepark in Evans Reserve knowing fully that the community doesn't want it there. The last time it was talked about by the community it was to be located in Kyla Park reserve near the tennis courts on that large area of grass just above the access road away from the houses in Lake Street but still well visible from Hector McWilliam Dr so that the recommendation by the local police of being able to monitor the facility can be respected ​ Land for sport open space Kyla Park is a quality district-level sport facility. While the playing field is currently under-utilised (playing host to cricket training and matches, and AFL matches) opportunity exists to attract additional formal sport use. Interest has been raised by a new cricket club seeking a home base. Additionally, potential exists to establish a new little athletics centre (Eurobodalla’s only centre) at the facility. To facilitate these new sports, field event facilities would be required for athletics (shot put and discus circles and long/triple jump pits) and both cricket and athletics would require a storage facility (preferably a shared venue). Might be time for Council to remove its waste material dump to allow Kyla Oval to expand towards Tuross Lake. The THPA will be formally asking Council how long a temporary soil deposit spot is meant to be temporary. This area has long been identified as a possible BMX bike area but nothing can be done there while council continue to use it as a dumping spot. They do justify it by saying it would cost a lot more to cart things further. Fair enough however the reserve is a SPORTING reserve and is NOT classified as a dump site. Community Hall The Kyla Park Hall attracts ten hours use each week (on average). There is clearly availability for additional use. Key users include:»fitness groups»drumming group»dance groups»family support»music group»progress society. While this Strategy presents a key guiding vision for Council (and the community), the overlaying issue will be the capacity to fund it. Enhance the use of community halls by promoting them as key venues for community groups seeking meeting spaces, social areas and facilities for passive recreation. Where this approach fails to achieve increased usage rates (and disposal is deemed as not palatable by the local community), consider transferring management and maintenance of the facility to a community group under trust. Yep, you read that correctly. If Council can't get more people using the hall (because their fees are high !!! - they charged the Mens Shed over $600 rent for two days for their annual Model Exhibition held as a community event for visitors over the long weekend, as a promotion of the Mens Shed accomplishments and a fundraiser for men's cancer) then they will consider transferring the hall back to the community - The community built the Kyla Hall, paid for the Kyla Hall, refurbished the Kyla Hall after Council let it fall into disrepair and now Council have the audacity to say that if it doesn't pay its way the community will get it back) OK Now for some graphics

So what are they going to do? Undertake master plan for Kyla Park Upgrade Evans Road Reserve to a district level »Investigate ways to promote and activate the Kyla Park Hall Construct new wheeled action sport precinct in Tuross Head with a budget of $160,000 Was there any mention of upgrading the playground. NO

How to give your feedback

To make a submission during the exhibition period, you can:

  • write a letter addressed to: The General Manager PO Box 99 Moruya NSW 2537

  • email

  • use Council's online feedback form


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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