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Tuross Progress Assoc meeting Oct 5th

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

At its general meeting last week the Tuross Head Progress Association had some robust discussions regarding the light on One Tree Point and the water tank to be installed at the rear of the Kyla Hall. Firstly, and with much mirth it has now been established that Council will reinstate the One Tree light that illuminates the point, the steps and the pathway. Residents might recall that the light was disconnected by Council around the time of the One Tree Point upgrade. The THPA formally asked on several occasions to have the light reinstated however Council steadfastly refused saying that a light on the point would only attract miscreants. Though it was actually Council who first installed the light to keep miscreants at bay must have been conveniently forgotten. Council said it had neither the inclination or the money to reinstate the light. The THPA pressed on and committed to purchasing and installing a solar powered street light and sought Councils permission to use the same hole that the existing light pole sits in. (Marine Rescue volunteered to remove the pole for their own communication needs). The solar power flood lights option to be funded by the THPA was ruled out on technical and environmental grounds; as work to install solar light posts would have had a detrimental impact upon the surrounding vegetation and the unstable sand-dunes. In a HUGE turn around Council then agreed to reinstate the light, powered by the same circuit as the street lights but with a curfew of 9pm (apparently all the miscreants go to bed before 9pm). It was laughing explained that with daylight saving the light might only be on for 1/2 hour per day. In the end Council have now agreed to install two 80w lights to effectively illuminate the path and the point which will be connected to the street light circuit and operate with the same timings. The cost will be $2700 of which the THPA have agreed to pay as the solar lights that they agreed to purchase were $3300. Thanks go to the Mayor for providing logic and guidance and overruling the dogged resistance that had not only left a bad taste in the communities mind but had no basis in any reasoning considering it was Council who first installed the light. The second equally embarrassing issue discussed at the meeting was of the long winded fiasco of the Tuross Community Gardens accessing water from the Kyla Hall. For years there has been a desire of the Gardens to have access to the roof water of the Kyla Hall to supplement their own rainwater catchment and storage. By rights it was a simple thing. Install a rain water tank, run a pipe and job done. Council said NO to a rainwater tank. Next came the HUGE fiasco of Council demanding that a new shed be built next to the community gardens that (could provide water). This subterfuge has resulted in one of the worst points in the Council/Tuross Head Community relationship since they blatantly lied and attempted to gain control of the community classified Kyla Grazing lots for their own sale and income. This time the subterfuge ran deeper and saw a massive public backlash resulting in the Council having to back down and build the shed on the same location as the old shed. Next came the discussions for a $13000 rainwater tank to be installed with an overland pipe. But what of the water for the gardens. After several years of public meetings, countless letters and heated debate Council has revealed that there is a tap just 100 m away that the Community Gardens can connect into. Job done, however it has left the community baffled as to why this information was not offered four years ago. On to the $13,000 water tank. As it turns out there is still a need for a 25,000 litre water tank as the local fire brigade have carried out a practice drill and found that the time lag for rolling out 7 lengths of hose to Lake Street to fight a hall fire would take 25 minutes. Council have advised that the hall doesn't warrant a hydrant as it is 450m2 and only halls >500m2 have hydrants. Additionally the pipe supply is too thin for the pressure the Fire Brigade needs. An d NO, they can't pump the salty water from Coila Lake through their pumps and hoses without damaging them. So back to the water tank. The Fire Brigade have prepared a report that recommends a 25,000 litre tank be installed near the hall with a special fitting suitable for a fire hose. They can then use that and the 3000 litres they carry on board. "Our recommendations for such a tank would be that it: Be located as far from the hall as is practically possible so that it is less likely to be itself effected in the event of a fire at the hall. If the existing slab at the rear of the hall is to be used, that the tank be on the outer edge. Ideally, the tank would be sited on a new slab established at some distance from the hall, plumbed to the roof of the hall with underground pipework." Total cost if on slab - NO not $13,000 as quoted by Council. More like $4000 with the attachment thrown in. There was $6000 left over from the building of the new shed so possibly Council might now contribute that to the purchase of the water tank having NOW been advised to install one by the Fire Brigade with $500 thrown in from the THPA to by the special attachment. John Tilbook's telling of the entire embarrasing tale bought a good belly laugh to those at the meeting however it is disappointing to laugh at Council that seems to be continually failing this community. TUROSS HEAD PROGRESS ASSOCIATION INC.

Minutes of the meeting to be held

Thursday, 5th October 2017 at the Kyla Hall, Tuross Head

The Meeting commenced at 2.10 pm with Mr Gary Cooper in the Chair.

Welcome and introduction.

1. Attendees: 16 Members signed the Register.

2. Apologies: (16) Patrick McNeile (Vice President & Minute Secretary); Graham Pratt; Deidre Meek, Marilyn Bingham; Ian Bingham; Andrew Gordon; Rob Rixon; Lynette Rixon; Raymond Brown; June Brown; Dr Gwen Singleton, Lynne Armstrong; Pat Wagstaff; John Wagstaff; Maggie Cooper; Janet Jones.

3. Invited Guests in Attendance.

Nil – apologies received from all three Invitees, aka Mayor Liz Innes; Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne; Warren Sharpe.



Monthly meeting held 3rd August 2017. Acceptance: Proposed by Secretary, seconded Ian Fraser - CARRIED


To be dealt with under separate reports later in the meeting.


The esteemed Treasurer, Joan Buchan, read out the following financial statement which forms part of the Minutes. In summary, as follows:

THPA General Account Balance: @ 3 August 2017 $5,722.26

Receipts: 42 x Members Subscriptions = $210.

Plus Raffle proceeds donation = $43.50. + $253.50_ progressive Working Account Balance = $5,975.76

Expenses: Deduct rent of Kyla Hall period

Jul 17 to Feb 18 THPA meetings = $124.00,

Annual Report registration to NSW Dept Fair

Trading (Form A12) = $45.00 - $169.00

Working Bank balance as @ 5 October 2017 = $5,806.76

THPA Cycle/walk Accounts:

Cycleway Working A/c balance as at 3 August 2017 $4,868.13

Receipts: Bank interest Quarter +_$_NIL____

Updated working balance at 5 October 17 =$4,868.13

Payments/Expenses - Outgoings: NIL

Cycle/walk working balance @ 5 October 2017 = $4,868.13

Plus Fixed Term Deposit $20,000.00

Cycle/walk Accounts Total as at 5 October =$24,868.13


Total Funds ($5,806.76 plus $24,868.13)

as at 5 October 17 = $30,674.89

Acceptance of the above financial report was proposed by Treasurer (Joan Buchan), and seconded by Leonie Beers. CARRIED


Currently 138 financial members, up from 28 members in September 2016).

There is currently 5 x non-financial members who have been mailed reminders. If they renew membership will stand at 143 members.


Secretary provided an overview of the key correspondence sent and received by the THPA since the 3 Aug 17 meeting, and noted that a copy of all inwards correspondence and all Secretary THPA is routinely emailed to all THPA members for their information and/or comment. The Secretary spoke briefly on the following items of incoming correspondence received since last THPA meeting.

a. 11 Aug 17 – Letter from the Federal Member for Gilmore, The Hon Ann Sudmalis, MP congratulating the THPA for its outstanding effort in gathering community support for the safety upgrade of the “T” intersection of Princes Highway & Hector McWilliam Drive. Ms Sudmalis was proud of the fact that she has secured federal block spot funding to complete the intended safety upgrade by RMS.

b. 24 Aug 17 – ESC letter from Karen Sydenham in confirming the THPA CSR for additional Directional Signage in Tuross from Allenby/H.McW T intersection showing the way for visitors to the shopping centre & medical centre.

c. 6 Sep 17- ESC letter from Kim Bush acknowledging the THPA submission to the NSW Geographic Names Board for the formal naming of Kyla Park precinct (Lot 91); and notification that the Aboriginal Advisory Committee (ABC) had discussed the THPA suggestion for the naming of the Picnic Reserve within Lot 91 as the “BRINJA YUIN Reserve”. The priority is to conclude the naming of Kyla Park, and the naming of the Reserve will be dealt with at a later date as determined by the ABC.

d. 11 Sep 17 – ESC letter (Robyn Burnett) confirming THPA CSR request #163977 for urgent repair to Log Barrier around sewer pump TU02.

e. 19 Sep 17 – ESC letter from General Manager (Dr Catherine Dale) thanking the THPA for complimenting Council staff members for the efficient and swift replacement of the log barrier around the sewer pump.

f. 5 Oct 17 – Email from Tuross Head Rural Fire Brigade (Secretary Peter Cole) outlining the justification for the need for a water tank at Kyla Hall as a fundamental requirement for the fire protection plan for the Hall given the absence of a fire hydrant in the vicinity. This data will be used by the THPA to strengthen its submissions to Council for the expenditure of KHMC funds to purchase a water tank ASAP.

The Secretary THPA moved that the summary of correspondence be accepted. Seconded by Ken Parker. CARRIED.


Executive THPA Committee members:

a. President – One nomination only, Gary Cooper.

duly re-ELECTED.

b. Vice President – One nomination only, Patrick McNeile.


c. Treasurer – One nomination only, Joan Buchan.

duly re-ELECTED.

d. Secretary – One nomination only, John Tilbrook.

duly re-ELECTED.

Ordinary THPA Committee members:

Minutes Secretary – One nomination only, Patrick McNeile.


Memberships Officer – One nomination only, Joan Flynn.


Social Member – One nomination only, Deidre Meek.


Assistant Social Member – One nomination only, Graham Pratt.


THPA Web & Email Admin – One nomination, John Byrne.

duly re-ELECTED




John Tilbrook advised that the Member for Gilmore (Ann Sudmalis) had announced on 9 May 17 that she had been successful in securing Federal funding from the Black Spot regional roads program to complete the final stages of the road safety upgrade planned for by RMS. This will include the construction of a concrete median strip at the end of H.McW Drive. The Secretary has been hastening RMS (Nathan Boscaro) on a fortnightly basis. As at 28 Sep 17 the RMS design plans and costings had been submitted to the Office of the Federal Minister for Infrastructure, but the funds believed to be around $100k had not yet been transferred to the RMS account. Secretary THPA rang RMS HQ at Wollongong again on 5 Oct 17 and requested a further update, but this request remains unanswered by Nathan Boscaro.


Secretary THPA advised that in response to a THPA letter of request the owner of 2 Lake Street has now kindly pruned the tree on his nature strip that had impeded the driver sightlines line when exiting from Lake Street to enter Hector McWilliam Drive.


Following the completion of Stage 1 of the MIRROR BUSH ERADICATION PROJECT by the GREEN ARMY under the enthusiastic guidance of the Council’s environmental officer (Emma Patyus) in early August, it is now time to embark on Stage 2 of the project which is to replant the seafront embankment along Tuross Boulevarde between Coila toilet block and Stoney Beach carpark with suitable low growing natives such as Lomandra, Pig Face, Native Spinach and Saltbush. At the same time there will be some effort directed towards the secondary control of certain prevalent weed species inundating the embankment, such as any signs of the regrowth of Mirror Bush, seaside daisies etc, by poisoning or hand pulling of weeds.

The Council announced that the Working Bee for Stage 2 will be conducted on Fri 6 Oct 17 (tomorrow) between 1030 am and Noon. The Secretary THPA circulated this notice by email to all members in seeking volunteers.


President THPA (Gary Cooper) addressed the meeting on this vexed issue. Despite all of our efforts the Council has already determined at a Councillors Meeting to sell Lot 277. We have been informed that the Council is not interested in any more correspondence from the Community on the matter.


Secretary THPA advised that the Council have proposed the naming of the whole of the Lot 91 Sports & Recreational Area reserve as being Kyla Park. The Council has acknowledged the earlier THPA submissions made to the NSW Geographic Names Board to name the recently upgraded picnic reserve on the Coila Lake foreshore as the BRINJA YUIN Reserve. The Divisional Manager responsible (Ms Kim Bush) wrote to the THPA on 6 Sep 17 advising that a briefing has been prepared for Councillors which to be presented by Council on Thu 3 Oct 17.

This briefing of Councillors will include the THPA suggestion for the naming of the BRINJA YUIN Reserve to encompass the picnic area which presently incorporates two Picnic shelters, two BBQ’s, park furniture and children’s playground equipment. More importantly, the two large trees that provide expansive areas of shade in this precinct are ancient mahogany trees that are known to the Aboriginal people that occupied this area of cultural significance. This THPA suggestion has so far been discussed within Council with the Aboriginal Advisory Committee and its recommendations will be presented for consideration later this year after confirmation of the naming of Kyla Park by the NSW Geographic Names Board.


The Council has so far cleaned the lights in the Memorial Gardens but they are now investigating other lighting options to ensure that the level of illumination from this current outdated type of street lamp is sufficient for the purpose. The Council will be consulting as required with the custodians of this precinct, the Memorial Gardens Committee (Secretary – Trevor Jones).


On 14 Sep 17 the Secretary THPA was called upon by Council to attend an on-site meeting at the One Tree Viewing Platform to meet with a contingent of Council works and engineers staff (5) to determine the case for the re-instatement of floodlighting at One Tree Point. The outcome of this meeting was presented to Council by THPA on 15 Sep 17 in an email, which was circulated to THPA members for information.

In summary the solar power flood lights option to be funded by the THPA was ruled out on technical and environmental grounds; as work to install solar light posts would have had a detrimental impact upon the surrounding vegetation and the unstable sand-dunes.

The preferred option was to use of the current dis-used Lamp Post as the ideal ‘’platform’’ to mount two 80 watt LED flood lamps, with one light facing due East and one facing due West. The previous 240 volt Electricity supply would be re-instated to the existing Lamp Post and connected to the two 240 volt flood lights. The 240 volt power supply is to be re-connected to the Power Switch Box located in the One Tree Point carpark and connected into the “Street Lighting” circuit operated by Country Energy.

On 3 Oct 17 the Council received a quotation from MTEC (Mick Tunnecliffe) to complete the aforementioned installation work for the total cost of $2,827, and the asked the THPA how much we were prepared to contribute to the cost of the new Flood Lights. After discussion it was agreed by the THPA meeting that our Association would offer to pay for the total cost of the MTEC tax invoice.

Rescission of 4 May 17 Motion.

The Secretary THPA moved that the previous 4 May 17 Motion be rescinded.. “…that the THPA offer to supply the Council with a solar flood light for installation at One Tree Point for the estimated cost of $3,900 from the manufacturer Green Frog’’”. Seconded Enid Fuller. CARRIED.

New motion for THPA to finance the flood light project

The Secretary THPA moved a new motion…”that the THPA should respond to the Council’s request for a financial contribution to the cost of the installation of two 80 watt LED Flood Lights on the existing lamp pole at One Tree Point by offering to pay 100% of the quoted price of $2,827 so that this public safety project can finally be completed”. Seconded by Lei Parker. CARRIED.

The Secretary THPA will immediately write to Council (Warren Sharpe/David Bohun) with the generous offer being made by the Association.

17. Concept of a Heritage Park for Tuross:

President THPA (Gary Cooper) spoke on this topic whereby he and his sub-committee are working on a case for creation of the Heritage Park. At this stage the need is to scope the project, what is to be included, what size et al, before making submissions to Council for endorsement. This breaks into three problems:

  1. Selection of a suitable site, as Lot 277 is not available!

  2. What should be sited in the Park. Work has commenced on this matter and it is essential both as a scoping exercise and for creating an estimate of necessary funding. Both the Commonwealth and the State governments have created significant funds for such community grants.

  3. Funding. We shall need to have Council support for any such grant proposal.

This will all take time, but we should have a draft by the next meeting. Lei Parker will be invited to vett the content of the draft, and m ake any worthwhile contributions and guidance.

18. PROGRESS OF BBSC STORAGE SHED PROJECT & WATER TANK ON KYLA HALL FOR RAINWATER SUPPLY TO TCG. The latest news we have is that the Community Garden have agreed to use of the nearby access to the town water supply taken from the western end of Kyla Oval behind the goalposts, instead of the supply of rainwater at Kyla Hall as this reticulated town water supply option is much cheaper than the installation of the tank and piping.

The TCG had first bite through Council for access to the $6k surplus funds left over from the BBSC shed project to expend on overcoming its garden water supply problem. Therefore this $6k should now be made available for providing fire precaution measures at the Kyla Hall as recommended by the THRFB.

19. Kyla Hall Fire Protection.

In discussions with the local fire Brigade people we learnt that the current town water supply to the Hall is inadequate for connection to fire hoses. Secondly the fire Brigade would not use the water from Coila Lake as it is salty and would damage their equipment. The Council would provide a hydrant if the Hall was more than 500m squared. However, the Kyla Hall is only 450 meters squared so it does not qualify under the Council’s policy.

We are therefore proposing that a 22,000 litre PVC rain water tank be installed on the existing concrete slab and connected to the Hall roof catchment to harvest rainwater to be stores for fire-fighting purposes. The THPA costings from quotes received between $2726 with fire hose fittings already fitted and placed into position at Kyla Hall for less than a total of $3,500 maximum to include plumbing to the existing gutters, whereas the Council cost estimate was $13k.

This THPA proposal is before the KHMC which will consider the issue as an agenda item at its next quarterly meeting on 18 Oct 17, but if even if agreed by the Committee, the KHMC still requires Council agreement and approval for expenditure of such KHMC funds (currently $21k from Hall hire fees).

The THPA may consider offering to pay the cost of the pipework plumbing carried out by a local plumber to connect the rain water tank with the Kyla roof for harvesting rain water. That would then make this proposal a joint collaborative Council & Community Association project in concert with the KHMC. Scott Colbourne has now inspected the Kyla Hall water tank site and estimates that the plumbing of the Tank would be in the order of $500.

Based on the above information the total cost of installing the rain water tank already fitted with fire hose fittings, and plumbed to the existing Kyla Hall roof guttering would amount to approximately $3,250 (aka $2,726 & $500 = $3,226). The Secretary THPA will provide this assessment to the Council and the Mayor ahead of the 18 Oct 17 KHMC meeting.


Following shire wide consultation the Council (Divisional Manager Recreation – Kathy Arthur) has compiled a Eurobodalla Recreational Open Space Strategy (ROSS) which was apparently placed on-line for public exhibition on 27 Sep 17. Comments on the draft ROSS have to to be submitted to Council before 26 Oct 17.

Lei Parker advised the meeting that the draft ROSS does make reference to the Skate Facility for Tuross Head, and the President (Gary Cooper) would follow this up and make a submission along the lines of WHAT, WHERE, WHEN & estimated costs for fund raising purposes through Federal and State Government grant schemes.

The Council did write to the THPA advising of the above in a letter dated 26 Sep 17 addressed to the Treasurer THPA which was received in the mail on 2 Oct 17.

Lei Parker drew the THPA committee’s attention to what mention is made in the draft ROSS in regards to the replacement of the Children’s Playground equipment in Evans Park and Kyla Park. The present Evans Park children’s playground was totally paid for by the Tuross community from fund raising and was opened in 1997, exactly 20 years ago, so some of the components have exceeded their service life and are in need of upgrading.


The Secretary THPA stated the Tuross community should consider its environmental position on the preservation of the legacy left by Hector McWilliam planted Norfolk Pines. That is, any self-sewn Norfolk Pine seedlings emanating from the Mother trees in this sector of the Hector McWilliam Park should be protected by Council or the Tuross Community and let to grow to maturity unfettered, as around the time that the GREEN ARMY was engaged in the eradication of Mirror Bush in early August, some unknown persons has seen fit to cut down and destroy many healthy self-sown Norfolk Pines species in this sector which in itself is a wanton act of environmental vandalism as these Norfolk Pines are iconic to both the identity and the seascape of Tuross Head.

Lei Parker addressed the meeting on this issue, and stated that he has in his possession a photograph of every Norfolk Pine within Tuross Head for monitoring purposes. Given time, Lei Parker offered to update, re-name and re-activate his former initiative which was a robust and detailed “Council Recreation Asset Plan” (acronym CRAP) but that was rejected by Council

some years ago. The benefit of such CRAP would help serve to put protective measures in place to ensure the preservation of the legacy of the original Norfolk Pines left by Hector McWilliam, and extend preservation and protection to not only the first, but the second and third generations of self-sewn Norfolk pine seedlings?


The new THPA Constitution was adopted at a Special Meeting convened at the THCC on 6 Jul 17. This was advised to the NSW Department of Fair Trading (DOFT) together with the Annual Reports, AGM Minutes and lodgement fee of $45 on Form A12. The DOFT has since responded and acknowledged that we have a new Constitution.


The door prize raffle conducted at this 5 Oct 17 meeting was won by Gary Cooper (raffle drawn by Lei Parker). The $19.50 proceeds from the raffle is to be banked by the Treasurer THPA into the General Working Fund as a “raffle donation” in order to defray the costs of hall hire now imposed by the Council upon all community groups using Kyla Hall and other Council owned halls across the Shire.

The meeting was closed at 3.15 pm (duration 1 hr 5 mins)

Gary Cooper


5 October 2017


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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