The Tuross Head Country Club Senior Open Championship for 2017 was held last Sunday and the 18 hole stableford competition was closely contested by both the lady and men competitors.
Players enjoyed a bbq luncheon after the round and prior to the presentation.
Ann Ware was the overall senior lady champion with 38 stableford points.
Bruce Lidbury was awarded the men's championship with 40 points.
Divisional winners were:
A grade men's winner Ian Miller with 37 points.
Runner up Greg Smith 36 points.
B grade men's winner was Peter Nikolic 40 points.
Runner up Peter McRae 36 points.
A grade ladies winner was Judy Apps 34 points.
Runner up Pauline Nash 33 points.
B grade ladies winner Kath Gannon scored 34 points.
Runner up Else Shearer 32 points.
Nearest the pin winners were ladies:
Terri Swanbury with 2.84 m on the 4th hole.
Kath Gannon was closest on the 6th with 3.07 m and
Chris Wratten won the 7th with a very close 18 cm.
Men's golfer Ian Miller won the 4th hole with 6.55 m.
Ron Lunt won the 6th with 3.48 m and
Bruce Liddbury the 7h hole with 3.83 m.
Annette Manton and Herb Muriwai won the accuracy competition.
An enjoyable day of golf played on a course in excellent condition on a fine sunny day.

Above: Tuross Head Country Club Senior Champions Ann Ware and Bruce Lidbury.